The Botanical Garden: A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation


In 'The Botanical Garden - A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation', readers are transported to the enchanting world of botanical wonders. This comprehensive guide celebrates the diversity and beauty of plant collections around the globe, from lush tropical gardens to arid desert landscapes. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of botanical conservation, highlighting the importance of preserving plant species for future generations. Through a blend of botanical knowledge and conservation ethics, the book offers a glimpse into the vital role of botanical gardens in safeguarding biodiversity. With vivid descriptions and practical tips, 'The Botanical Garden' is a tribute to the botanical treasures that enrich our world.

The Botanical Garden: A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation
The Botanical Garden: A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation


In 'The Botanical Garden - A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation', readers are transported to the enchanting world of botanical wonders. This comprehensive guide celebrates the diversity and beauty of plant collections around the globe, from lush tropical gardens to arid desert landscapes. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of botanical conservation, highlighting the importance of preserving plant species for future generations. Through a blend of botanical knowledge and conservation ethics, the book offers a glimpse into the vital role of botanical gardens in safeguarding biodiversity. With vivid descriptions and practical tips, 'The Botanical Garden' is a tribute to the botanical treasures that enrich our world.

In 'The Botanical Garden - A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation', readers are transported to the enchanting world of botanical wonders. This comprehensive guide celebrates the diversity and beauty of plant collections around the globe, from lush tropical gardens to arid desert landscapes. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of botanical conservation, highlighting the importance of preserving plant species for future generations. Through a blend of botanical knowledge and conservation ethics, the book offers a glimpse into the vital role of botanical gardens in safeguarding biodiversity. With vivid descriptions and practical tips, 'The Botanical Garden' is a tribute to the botanical treasures that enrich our world.The Botanical Garden: A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and ConservationHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
botanical garden
botanical knowledge
plant collections

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

In ‘The Botanical Garden – A Comprehensive Guide to Plant Collections and Conservation’, readers are transported to the enchanting world of botanical wonders. This comprehensive guide celebrates the diversity and beauty of plant collections around the globe, from lush tropical gardens to arid desert landscapes. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of botanical conservation, highlighting the importance of preserving plant species for future generations. Through a blend of botanical knowledge and conservation ethics, the book offers a glimpse into the vital role of botanical gardens in safeguarding biodiversity. With vivid descriptions and practical tips, ‘The Botanical Garden’ is a tribute to the botanical treasures that enrich our world.


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