The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science


Bridging traditional wisdom with modern scientific practices, 'The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science' offers a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and sustainability. This enlightening book delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous knowledge systems, highlighting their invaluable contributions to understanding and preserving the natural world. Through a thoughtful exploration of indigenous practices and ecological wisdom, it underscores the importance of incorporating traditional knowledge into contemporary environmental science. By honoring indigenous perspectives, this book advocates for a holistic approach to environmental conservation and resource management.

The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science


Bridging traditional wisdom with modern scientific practices, 'The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science' offers a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and sustainability. This enlightening book delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous knowledge systems, highlighting their invaluable contributions to understanding and preserving the natural world. Through a thoughtful exploration of indigenous practices and ecological wisdom, it underscores the importance of incorporating traditional knowledge into contemporary environmental science. By honoring indigenous perspectives, this book advocates for a holistic approach to environmental conservation and resource management.

Bridging traditional wisdom with modern scientific practices, 'The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science' offers a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and sustainability. This enlightening book delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous knowledge systems, highlighting their invaluable contributions to understanding and preserving the natural world. Through a thoughtful exploration of indigenous practices and ecological wisdom, it underscores the importance of incorporating traditional knowledge into contemporary environmental science. By honoring indigenous perspectives, this book advocates for a holistic approach to environmental conservation and resource management.The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental ScienceHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
environmental science
indigenous knowledge
traditional wisdom

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Product Description

Bridging traditional wisdom with modern scientific practices, ‘The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Science’ offers a unique perspective on environmental stewardship and sustainability. This enlightening book delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous knowledge systems, highlighting their invaluable contributions to understanding and preserving the natural world. Through a thoughtful exploration of indigenous practices and ecological wisdom, it underscores the importance of incorporating traditional knowledge into contemporary environmental science. By honoring indigenous perspectives, this book advocates for a holistic approach to environmental conservation and resource management.


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