The World of Polymers: Understanding the Properties and Applications


Exploring the intricate world of polymers, 'The World of Polymers - Understanding the Properties and Applications' is a captivating journey into the realm of molecular structures and versatile applications. This book sheds light on the fascinating properties of polymers, their diverse uses in various industries, and the impact they have on modern society. From synthetic plastics to natural biopolymers, each chapter unveils the unique characteristics and potential of these macromolecules. Dive into the innovative world of polymers and discover the endless possibilities they offer. Tags - polymers, materials science, chemistry, applications, properties

The World of Polymers: Understanding the Properties and Applications
The World of Polymers: Understanding the Properties and Applications


Exploring the intricate world of polymers, 'The World of Polymers - Understanding the Properties and Applications' is a captivating journey into the realm of molecular structures and versatile applications. This book sheds light on the fascinating properties of polymers, their diverse uses in various industries, and the impact they have on modern society. From synthetic plastics to natural biopolymers, each chapter unveils the unique characteristics and potential of these macromolecules. Dive into the innovative world of polymers and discover the endless possibilities they offer. Tags - polymers, materials science, chemistry, applications, properties

Exploring the intricate world of polymers, 'The World of Polymers - Understanding the Properties and Applications' is a captivating journey into the realm of molecular structures and versatile applications. This book sheds light on the fascinating properties of polymers, their diverse uses in various industries, and the impact they have on modern society. From synthetic plastics to natural biopolymers, each chapter unveils the unique characteristics and potential of these macromolecules. Dive into the innovative world of polymers and discover the endless possibilities they offer. Tags - polymers, materials science, chemistry, applications, propertiesThe World of Polymers: Understanding the Properties and ApplicationsHello

SKU: PSSCI001591 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Exploring the intricate world of polymers, ‘The World of Polymers – Understanding the Properties and Applications’ is a captivating journey into the realm of molecular structures and versatile applications. This book sheds light on the fascinating properties of polymers, their diverse uses in various industries, and the impact they have on modern society. From synthetic plastics to natural biopolymers, each chapter unveils the unique characteristics and potential of these macromolecules. Dive into the innovative world of polymers and discover the endless possibilities they offer. Tags – polymers, materials science, chemistry, applications, properties


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