A World Without Bees


In 'A World Without Bees', readers are confronted with a stark reality of the consequences of bee population decline on the global ecosystem. Through a poignant narrative that highlights the vital role of bees in pollination and biodiversity, this book sheds light on the interconnectedness of species and the fragility of ecosystems. From the intricate dance of pollinators to the ripple effects of their disappearance, readers are immersed in a compelling exploration of the impact of bee extinction. With a sense of urgency and ecological awareness, 'A World Without Bees' serves as a wake-up call to the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding our natural world. Tags: bees, pollination, biodiversity, ecosystem, extinction

A World Without Bees
A World Without Bees


In 'A World Without Bees', readers are confronted with a stark reality of the consequences of bee population decline on the global ecosystem. Through a poignant narrative that highlights the vital role of bees in pollination and biodiversity, this book sheds light on the interconnectedness of species and the fragility of ecosystems. From the intricate dance of pollinators to the ripple effects of their disappearance, readers are immersed in a compelling exploration of the impact of bee extinction. With a sense of urgency and ecological awareness, 'A World Without Bees' serves as a wake-up call to the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding our natural world. Tags: bees, pollination, biodiversity, ecosystem, extinction

In 'A World Without Bees', readers are confronted with a stark reality of the consequences of bee population decline on the global ecosystem. Through a poignant narrative that highlights the vital role of bees in pollination and biodiversity, this book sheds light on the interconnectedness of species and the fragility of ecosystems. From the intricate dance of pollinators to the ripple effects of their disappearance, readers are immersed in a compelling exploration of the impact of bee extinction. With a sense of urgency and ecological awareness, 'A World Without Bees' serves as a wake-up call to the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding our natural world. Tags: bees, pollination, biodiversity, ecosystem, extinctionA World Without BeesHello

SKU: PSSCI000052 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

In ‘A World Without Bees’, readers are confronted with a stark reality of the consequences of bee population decline on the global ecosystem. Through a poignant narrative that highlights the vital role of bees in pollination and biodiversity, this book sheds light on the interconnectedness of species and the fragility of ecosystems. From the intricate dance of pollinators to the ripple effects of their disappearance, readers are immersed in a compelling exploration of the impact of bee extinction. With a sense of urgency and ecological awareness, ‘A World Without Bees’ serves as a wake-up call to the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding our natural world. Tags: bees, pollination, biodiversity, ecosystem, extinction


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