Abstracting Reality – Examining the Sublime in Contemporary Art


Embark on a journey through the ethereal realms of abstracting reality and the sublime in contemporary art with this thought-provoking book. Explore the transcendent qualities of abstract art and its ability to challenge conventional perceptions of reality. Delve into the sublime aesthetic experiences that abstract art offers, inviting viewers to contemplate the ineffable and the transcendent. This book examines the ways in which artists navigate the boundaries between reality and abstraction, inviting viewers to reconsider their perceptions of the world. Engage with the philosophical underpinnings of abstraction and its capacity to evoke awe and wonder in the viewer. Discover the transformative potential of abstract art to transcend the limitations of representation and engage with the sublime.

Abstracting Reality – Examining the Sublime in Contemporary Art
Abstracting Reality – Examining the Sublime in Contemporary Art


Embark on a journey through the ethereal realms of abstracting reality and the sublime in contemporary art with this thought-provoking book. Explore the transcendent qualities of abstract art and its ability to challenge conventional perceptions of reality. Delve into the sublime aesthetic experiences that abstract art offers, inviting viewers to contemplate the ineffable and the transcendent. This book examines the ways in which artists navigate the boundaries between reality and abstraction, inviting viewers to reconsider their perceptions of the world. Engage with the philosophical underpinnings of abstraction and its capacity to evoke awe and wonder in the viewer. Discover the transformative potential of abstract art to transcend the limitations of representation and engage with the sublime.

Embark on a journey through the ethereal realms of abstracting reality and the sublime in contemporary art with this thought-provoking book. Explore the transcendent qualities of abstract art and its ability to challenge conventional perceptions of reality. Delve into the sublime aesthetic experiences that abstract art offers, inviting viewers to contemplate the ineffable and the transcendent. This book examines the ways in which artists navigate the boundaries between reality and abstraction, inviting viewers to reconsider their perceptions of the world. Engage with the philosophical underpinnings of abstraction and its capacity to evoke awe and wonder in the viewer. Discover the transformative potential of abstract art to transcend the limitations of representation and engage with the sublime.Abstracting Reality – Examining the Sublime in Contemporary ArtHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
abstract art
abstracting reality
contemporary art

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Product Description

Embark on a journey through the ethereal realms of abstracting reality and the sublime in contemporary art with this thought-provoking book. Explore the transcendent qualities of abstract art and its ability to challenge conventional perceptions of reality. Delve into the sublime aesthetic experiences that abstract art offers, inviting viewers to contemplate the ineffable and the transcendent. This book examines the ways in which artists navigate the boundaries between reality and abstraction, inviting viewers to reconsider their perceptions of the world. Engage with the philosophical underpinnings of abstraction and its capacity to evoke awe and wonder in the viewer. Discover the transformative potential of abstract art to transcend the limitations of representation and engage with the sublime.


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