Advanced Concrete Technology in Construction


Immerse yourself in the world of concrete technology with a focus on advanced concepts and innovative practices in construction. This comprehensive book explores the science and engineering behind modern concrete materials and structures. Gain a deep understanding of the properties, durability, and sustainability of advanced concrete mixes. Explore the latest developments in concrete technology, including self-healing concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, and 3D-printed structures. Discover the role of concrete in sustainable construction practices and infrastructure development. This book is an indispensable resource for civil engineers, architects, and construction professionals looking to enhance their expertise in concrete technology.

Advanced Concrete Technology in Construction
Advanced Concrete Technology in Construction


Immerse yourself in the world of concrete technology with a focus on advanced concepts and innovative practices in construction. This comprehensive book explores the science and engineering behind modern concrete materials and structures. Gain a deep understanding of the properties, durability, and sustainability of advanced concrete mixes. Explore the latest developments in concrete technology, including self-healing concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, and 3D-printed structures. Discover the role of concrete in sustainable construction practices and infrastructure development. This book is an indispensable resource for civil engineers, architects, and construction professionals looking to enhance their expertise in concrete technology.

Immerse yourself in the world of concrete technology with a focus on advanced concepts and innovative practices in construction. This comprehensive book explores the science and engineering behind modern concrete materials and structures. Gain a deep understanding of the properties, durability, and sustainability of advanced concrete mixes. Explore the latest developments in concrete technology, including self-healing concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, and 3D-printed structures. Discover the role of concrete in sustainable construction practices and infrastructure development. This book is an indispensable resource for civil engineers, architects, and construction professionals looking to enhance their expertise in concrete technology.Advanced Concrete Technology in ConstructionHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
advanced concepts
concrete technology

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Product Description

Immerse yourself in the world of concrete technology with a focus on advanced concepts and innovative practices in construction. This comprehensive book explores the science and engineering behind modern concrete materials and structures. Gain a deep understanding of the properties, durability, and sustainability of advanced concrete mixes. Explore the latest developments in concrete technology, including self-healing concrete, ultra-high-performance concrete, and 3D-printed structures. Discover the role of concrete in sustainable construction practices and infrastructure development. This book is an indispensable resource for civil engineers, architects, and construction professionals looking to enhance their expertise in concrete technology.


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