Aging and Mobility – Biomechanical Challenges and Solutions


Explore the intricate biomechanical challenges and innovative solutions in the realm of aging and mobility. This book delves into the complexities of human movement and functionality as individuals age, addressing the physiological changes and limitations that impact mobility. Discover the latest research on assistive technologies, rehabilitation strategies, and ergonomic design principles aimed at enhancing mobility and independence for older adults. With a focus on optimizing quality of life and promoting active aging, this guide offers insights into the intersection of biomechanics and aging. From gait analysis to fall prevention, this book is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of aging.

Aging and Mobility – Biomechanical Challenges and Solutions
Aging and Mobility – Biomechanical Challenges and Solutions


Explore the intricate biomechanical challenges and innovative solutions in the realm of aging and mobility. This book delves into the complexities of human movement and functionality as individuals age, addressing the physiological changes and limitations that impact mobility. Discover the latest research on assistive technologies, rehabilitation strategies, and ergonomic design principles aimed at enhancing mobility and independence for older adults. With a focus on optimizing quality of life and promoting active aging, this guide offers insights into the intersection of biomechanics and aging. From gait analysis to fall prevention, this book is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of aging.

Explore the intricate biomechanical challenges and innovative solutions in the realm of aging and mobility. This book delves into the complexities of human movement and functionality as individuals age, addressing the physiological changes and limitations that impact mobility. Discover the latest research on assistive technologies, rehabilitation strategies, and ergonomic design principles aimed at enhancing mobility and independence for older adults. With a focus on optimizing quality of life and promoting active aging, this guide offers insights into the intersection of biomechanics and aging. From gait analysis to fall prevention, this book is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of aging.Aging and Mobility – Biomechanical Challenges and SolutionsHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
biomechanical challenges

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Product Description

Explore the intricate biomechanical challenges and innovative solutions in the realm of aging and mobility. This book delves into the complexities of human movement and functionality as individuals age, addressing the physiological changes and limitations that impact mobility. Discover the latest research on assistive technologies, rehabilitation strategies, and ergonomic design principles aimed at enhancing mobility and independence for older adults. With a focus on optimizing quality of life and promoting active aging, this guide offers insights into the intersection of biomechanics and aging. From gait analysis to fall prevention, this book is a valuable resource for healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of aging.


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