Agricultural Policy and Rural Development


Navigate the complex landscape of agricultural policy and rural development, where governance, economics, and social dynamics intersect to shape the agricultural sector. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the policy frameworks that govern agricultural practices, from local regulations to international agreements. Explore the role of government policies in promoting rural development, ensuring food security, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. Gain insights into the economic implications of agricultural policies on farmers, consumers, and the environment, and the challenges of balancing competing interests in policy formulation. Delve into the socio-political dimensions of rural development and the role of community engagement in shaping agricultural policy outcomes. Engage with critical perspectives on policy effectiveness, equity, and inclusivity in the context of rural development.

Agricultural Policy and Rural Development
Agricultural Policy and Rural Development


Navigate the complex landscape of agricultural policy and rural development, where governance, economics, and social dynamics intersect to shape the agricultural sector. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the policy frameworks that govern agricultural practices, from local regulations to international agreements. Explore the role of government policies in promoting rural development, ensuring food security, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. Gain insights into the economic implications of agricultural policies on farmers, consumers, and the environment, and the challenges of balancing competing interests in policy formulation. Delve into the socio-political dimensions of rural development and the role of community engagement in shaping agricultural policy outcomes. Engage with critical perspectives on policy effectiveness, equity, and inclusivity in the context of rural development.

Navigate the complex landscape of agricultural policy and rural development, where governance, economics, and social dynamics intersect to shape the agricultural sector. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the policy frameworks that govern agricultural practices, from local regulations to international agreements. Explore the role of government policies in promoting rural development, ensuring food security, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. Gain insights into the economic implications of agricultural policies on farmers, consumers, and the environment, and the challenges of balancing competing interests in policy formulation. Delve into the socio-political dimensions of rural development and the role of community engagement in shaping agricultural policy outcomes. Engage with critical perspectives on policy effectiveness, equity, and inclusivity in the context of rural development.Agricultural Policy and Rural DevelopmentHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
community engagement
food security
rural development

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Product Description

Navigate the complex landscape of agricultural policy and rural development, where governance, economics, and social dynamics intersect to shape the agricultural sector. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the policy frameworks that govern agricultural practices, from local regulations to international agreements. Explore the role of government policies in promoting rural development, ensuring food security, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. Gain insights into the economic implications of agricultural policies on farmers, consumers, and the environment, and the challenges of balancing competing interests in policy formulation. Delve into the socio-political dimensions of rural development and the role of community engagement in shaping agricultural policy outcomes. Engage with critical perspectives on policy effectiveness, equity, and inclusivity in the context of rural development.


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