Art and Politics – The Intersection of Creative Expression and Governance


Explore the complex relationship between art and politics in 'Art and Politics'. This insightful book delves into the ways in which creative expression intersects with governance and political power. From revolutionary art movements to state-sponsored propaganda, art has long been a site of political contestation and social critique. 'Art and Politics' challenges readers to critically examine the role of art in shaping political discourse and challenging established power structures. Engage with philosophical reflections on the ethics and responsibilities of artists in the political sphere. This book offers a compelling analysis of the intersections between art, politics, and social change, inviting readers to consider the transformative potential of artistic expression in the realm of governance.

Art and Politics – The Intersection of Creative Expression and Governance
Art and Politics – The Intersection of Creative Expression and Governance


Explore the complex relationship between art and politics in 'Art and Politics'. This insightful book delves into the ways in which creative expression intersects with governance and political power. From revolutionary art movements to state-sponsored propaganda, art has long been a site of political contestation and social critique. 'Art and Politics' challenges readers to critically examine the role of art in shaping political discourse and challenging established power structures. Engage with philosophical reflections on the ethics and responsibilities of artists in the political sphere. This book offers a compelling analysis of the intersections between art, politics, and social change, inviting readers to consider the transformative potential of artistic expression in the realm of governance.

Explore the complex relationship between art and politics in 'Art and Politics'. This insightful book delves into the ways in which creative expression intersects with governance and political power. From revolutionary art movements to state-sponsored propaganda, art has long been a site of political contestation and social critique. 'Art and Politics' challenges readers to critically examine the role of art in shaping political discourse and challenging established power structures. Engage with philosophical reflections on the ethics and responsibilities of artists in the political sphere. This book offers a compelling analysis of the intersections between art, politics, and social change, inviting readers to consider the transformative potential of artistic expression in the realm of governance.Art and Politics – The Intersection of Creative Expression and GovernanceHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
creative expression
political power

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Product Description

Explore the complex relationship between art and politics in ‘Art and Politics’. This insightful book delves into the ways in which creative expression intersects with governance and political power. From revolutionary art movements to state-sponsored propaganda, art has long been a site of political contestation and social critique. ‘Art and Politics’ challenges readers to critically examine the role of art in shaping political discourse and challenging established power structures. Engage with philosophical reflections on the ethics and responsibilities of artists in the political sphere. This book offers a compelling analysis of the intersections between art, politics, and social change, inviting readers to consider the transformative potential of artistic expression in the realm of governance.


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