Art and the Global Village


Journey into the interconnected world of 'Art and the Global Village', where cultural diversity, globalization, and technology converge to shape contemporary artistic practices. Explore how artists navigate the complexities of a globalized society, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural barriers through their creative expressions. Discover the transformative power of art to bridge communities, foster cross-cultural dialogue, and celebrate the richness of human diversity. Immerse yourself in a global conversation through art that transcends language and borders, connecting individuals across the virtual landscape of the global village.

Art and the Global Village
Art and the Global Village


Journey into the interconnected world of 'Art and the Global Village', where cultural diversity, globalization, and technology converge to shape contemporary artistic practices. Explore how artists navigate the complexities of a globalized society, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural barriers through their creative expressions. Discover the transformative power of art to bridge communities, foster cross-cultural dialogue, and celebrate the richness of human diversity. Immerse yourself in a global conversation through art that transcends language and borders, connecting individuals across the virtual landscape of the global village.

Journey into the interconnected world of 'Art and the Global Village', where cultural diversity, globalization, and technology converge to shape contemporary artistic practices. Explore how artists navigate the complexities of a globalized society, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural barriers through their creative expressions. Discover the transformative power of art to bridge communities, foster cross-cultural dialogue, and celebrate the richness of human diversity. Immerse yourself in a global conversation through art that transcends language and borders, connecting individuals across the virtual landscape of the global village.Art and the Global VillageHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
cultural diversity
global village

Shipping & Return Policy

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Rest of the world: 5-14 days

Return Policy:
30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Journey into the interconnected world of ‘Art and the Global Village’, where cultural diversity, globalization, and technology converge to shape contemporary artistic practices. Explore how artists navigate the complexities of a globalized society, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural barriers through their creative expressions. Discover the transformative power of art to bridge communities, foster cross-cultural dialogue, and celebrate the richness of human diversity. Immerse yourself in a global conversation through art that transcends language and borders, connecting individuals across the virtual landscape of the global village.


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