Art and the Senses of Taste and Smell – Challenging Traditional Notions of Visual Art


Challenge your sensory perceptions of art with this provocative exploration of taste and smell in artistic expression. This book pushes the boundaries of traditional visual art by inviting readers to engage with the olfactory and gustatory dimensions of artistic experience. From multisensory installations to culinary-inspired artworks, discover how artists stimulate the senses of taste and smell to create immersive and evocative encounters. Engage with critical discussions on the role of taste and smell in shaping aesthetic preferences and emotional responses to art, challenging conventional notions of visual-centric art forms. Reflect on the ways in which sensory engagement with taste and smell expands the possibilities of artistic expression and invites a deeper exploration of the sensorial realm. This book offers a sensory feast for the mind, inviting readers to savor the complexities of taste and smell in the realm of art.

Art and the Senses of Taste and Smell – Challenging Traditional Notions of Visual Art
Art and the Senses of Taste and Smell – Challenging Traditional Notions of Visual Art


Challenge your sensory perceptions of art with this provocative exploration of taste and smell in artistic expression. This book pushes the boundaries of traditional visual art by inviting readers to engage with the olfactory and gustatory dimensions of artistic experience. From multisensory installations to culinary-inspired artworks, discover how artists stimulate the senses of taste and smell to create immersive and evocative encounters. Engage with critical discussions on the role of taste and smell in shaping aesthetic preferences and emotional responses to art, challenging conventional notions of visual-centric art forms. Reflect on the ways in which sensory engagement with taste and smell expands the possibilities of artistic expression and invites a deeper exploration of the sensorial realm. This book offers a sensory feast for the mind, inviting readers to savor the complexities of taste and smell in the realm of art.

Challenge your sensory perceptions of art with this provocative exploration of taste and smell in artistic expression. This book pushes the boundaries of traditional visual art by inviting readers to engage with the olfactory and gustatory dimensions of artistic experience. From multisensory installations to culinary-inspired artworks, discover how artists stimulate the senses of taste and smell to create immersive and evocative encounters. Engage with critical discussions on the role of taste and smell in shaping aesthetic preferences and emotional responses to art, challenging conventional notions of visual-centric art forms. Reflect on the ways in which sensory engagement with taste and smell expands the possibilities of artistic expression and invites a deeper exploration of the sensorial realm. This book offers a sensory feast for the mind, inviting readers to savor the complexities of taste and smell in the realm of art.Art and the Senses of Taste and Smell – Challenging Traditional Notions of Visual ArtHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
artistic experience
multisensory engagement
sensory perceptions

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Product Description

Challenge your sensory perceptions of art with this provocative exploration of taste and smell in artistic expression. This book pushes the boundaries of traditional visual art by inviting readers to engage with the olfactory and gustatory dimensions of artistic experience. From multisensory installations to culinary-inspired artworks, discover how artists stimulate the senses of taste and smell to create immersive and evocative encounters. Engage with critical discussions on the role of taste and smell in shaping aesthetic preferences and emotional responses to art, challenging conventional notions of visual-centric art forms. Reflect on the ways in which sensory engagement with taste and smell expands the possibilities of artistic expression and invites a deeper exploration of the sensorial realm. This book offers a sensory feast for the mind, inviting readers to savor the complexities of taste and smell in the realm of art.


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