Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology


Delve into the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence with 'Artificial Intelligence and Ethics - Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology'. This thought-provoking book examines the intersection of AI innovation and ethical considerations, raising critical questions about the impact of intelligent technologies on society and humanity. From algorithmic bias to autonomous decision-making, readers will explore the complex ethical dilemmas inherent in the development and deployment of AI systems. With a focus on moral reasoning and societal implications, this book offers a compelling exploration of the evolving relationship between technology and ethics. Tags - artificial intelligence, ethics, technology, moral implications, AI innovation

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology


Delve into the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence with 'Artificial Intelligence and Ethics - Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology'. This thought-provoking book examines the intersection of AI innovation and ethical considerations, raising critical questions about the impact of intelligent technologies on society and humanity. From algorithmic bias to autonomous decision-making, readers will explore the complex ethical dilemmas inherent in the development and deployment of AI systems. With a focus on moral reasoning and societal implications, this book offers a compelling exploration of the evolving relationship between technology and ethics. Tags - artificial intelligence, ethics, technology, moral implications, AI innovation

Delve into the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence with 'Artificial Intelligence and Ethics - Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology'. This thought-provoking book examines the intersection of AI innovation and ethical considerations, raising critical questions about the impact of intelligent technologies on society and humanity. From algorithmic bias to autonomous decision-making, readers will explore the complex ethical dilemmas inherent in the development and deployment of AI systems. With a focus on moral reasoning and societal implications, this book offers a compelling exploration of the evolving relationship between technology and ethics. Tags - artificial intelligence, ethics, technology, moral implications, AI innovationArtificial Intelligence and Ethics: Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing TechnologyHello

SKU: PSSCI000136 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Delve into the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence with ‘Artificial Intelligence and Ethics – Exploring the Moral Implications of Advancing Technology’. This thought-provoking book examines the intersection of AI innovation and ethical considerations, raising critical questions about the impact of intelligent technologies on society and humanity. From algorithmic bias to autonomous decision-making, readers will explore the complex ethical dilemmas inherent in the development and deployment of AI systems. With a focus on moral reasoning and societal implications, this book offers a compelling exploration of the evolving relationship between technology and ethics. Tags – artificial intelligence, ethics, technology, moral implications, AI innovation


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