Automotive Industry Resilience in a Changing World


Navigate the dynamic challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry in an ever-evolving global landscape with a focus on resilience. Explore the strategies and frameworks employed by automotive leaders to adapt to market shifts and technological disruptions. This book offers a strategic perspective on building resilience and agility in the face of uncertainty and change. Gain insights into the resilience strategies that drive sustainable growth and innovation in the automotive sector. Discover the key pillars of resilience that enable organizations to thrive in a changing world.

Automotive Industry Resilience in a Changing World
Automotive Industry Resilience in a Changing World


Navigate the dynamic challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry in an ever-evolving global landscape with a focus on resilience. Explore the strategies and frameworks employed by automotive leaders to adapt to market shifts and technological disruptions. This book offers a strategic perspective on building resilience and agility in the face of uncertainty and change. Gain insights into the resilience strategies that drive sustainable growth and innovation in the automotive sector. Discover the key pillars of resilience that enable organizations to thrive in a changing world.

Navigate the dynamic challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry in an ever-evolving global landscape with a focus on resilience. Explore the strategies and frameworks employed by automotive leaders to adapt to market shifts and technological disruptions. This book offers a strategic perspective on building resilience and agility in the face of uncertainty and change. Gain insights into the resilience strategies that drive sustainable growth and innovation in the automotive sector. Discover the key pillars of resilience that enable organizations to thrive in a changing world.Automotive Industry Resilience in a Changing WorldHello


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SKU: PSENG00274 Category: Tags: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
automotive industry

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Product Description

Navigate the dynamic challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry in an ever-evolving global landscape with a focus on resilience. Explore the strategies and frameworks employed by automotive leaders to adapt to market shifts and technological disruptions. This book offers a strategic perspective on building resilience and agility in the face of uncertainty and change. Gain insights into the resilience strategies that drive sustainable growth and innovation in the automotive sector. Discover the key pillars of resilience that enable organizations to thrive in a changing world.


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