Beauty and the Botanist: The Art of Observation in Plant Identification


Immerse yourself in the beauty of botanical observation with 'Beauty and the Botanist - The Art of Observation in Plant Identification'. This book celebrates the artistry of plant identification, inviting readers to appreciate the intricate details of botanical specimens. From the diversity of plant morphology to the nuances of leaf venation, this book offers a visual feast for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Through a lens of botanical illustration and scientific observation, readers will develop a keen eye for identifying plant species and understanding their unique characteristics. Delve into the world of botanical beauty and hone your skills in plant identification with this captivating read.

Beauty and the Botanist: The Art of Observation in Plant Identification
Beauty and the Botanist: The Art of Observation in Plant Identification


Immerse yourself in the beauty of botanical observation with 'Beauty and the Botanist - The Art of Observation in Plant Identification'. This book celebrates the artistry of plant identification, inviting readers to appreciate the intricate details of botanical specimens. From the diversity of plant morphology to the nuances of leaf venation, this book offers a visual feast for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Through a lens of botanical illustration and scientific observation, readers will develop a keen eye for identifying plant species and understanding their unique characteristics. Delve into the world of botanical beauty and hone your skills in plant identification with this captivating read.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of botanical observation with 'Beauty and the Botanist - The Art of Observation in Plant Identification'. This book celebrates the artistry of plant identification, inviting readers to appreciate the intricate details of botanical specimens. From the diversity of plant morphology to the nuances of leaf venation, this book offers a visual feast for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Through a lens of botanical illustration and scientific observation, readers will develop a keen eye for identifying plant species and understanding their unique characteristics. Delve into the world of botanical beauty and hone your skills in plant identification with this captivating read.Beauty and the Botanist: The Art of Observation in Plant IdentificationHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
botanical illustration
plant identification

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Immerse yourself in the beauty of botanical observation with ‘Beauty and the Botanist – The Art of Observation in Plant Identification’. This book celebrates the artistry of plant identification, inviting readers to appreciate the intricate details of botanical specimens. From the diversity of plant morphology to the nuances of leaf venation, this book offers a visual feast for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Through a lens of botanical illustration and scientific observation, readers will develop a keen eye for identifying plant species and understanding their unique characteristics. Delve into the world of botanical beauty and hone your skills in plant identification with this captivating read.


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