Best Practices in Wildlife Management


Best Practices in Wildlife Management provides a deep dive into the principles and techniques of effective wildlife conservation. This book highlights the importance of habitat preservation, species monitoring, and conflict resolution in wildlife management. Explore case studies and best practices from around the world that demonstrate successful approaches to protecting biodiversity and promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife. From conservation strategies to population management, this book offers valuable insights into the complex field of wildlife management. Gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in safeguarding our natural heritage through responsible stewardship.

Best Practices in Wildlife Management
Best Practices in Wildlife Management


Best Practices in Wildlife Management provides a deep dive into the principles and techniques of effective wildlife conservation. This book highlights the importance of habitat preservation, species monitoring, and conflict resolution in wildlife management. Explore case studies and best practices from around the world that demonstrate successful approaches to protecting biodiversity and promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife. From conservation strategies to population management, this book offers valuable insights into the complex field of wildlife management. Gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in safeguarding our natural heritage through responsible stewardship.

Best Practices in Wildlife Management provides a deep dive into the principles and techniques of effective wildlife conservation. This book highlights the importance of habitat preservation, species monitoring, and conflict resolution in wildlife management. Explore case studies and best practices from around the world that demonstrate successful approaches to protecting biodiversity and promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife. From conservation strategies to population management, this book offers valuable insights into the complex field of wildlife management. Gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in safeguarding our natural heritage through responsible stewardship.Best Practices in Wildlife ManagementHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
biodiversity conservation
conflict resolution
habitat preservation
species monitoring
wildlife management

Shipping & Return Policy

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Product Description

Best Practices in Wildlife Management provides a deep dive into the principles and techniques of effective wildlife conservation. This book highlights the importance of habitat preservation, species monitoring, and conflict resolution in wildlife management. Explore case studies and best practices from around the world that demonstrate successful approaches to protecting biodiversity and promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife. From conservation strategies to population management, this book offers valuable insights into the complex field of wildlife management. Gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in safeguarding our natural heritage through responsible stewardship.


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