Beyond Human: Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification


Beyond Human - Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification challenges conventional notions of human biology and ethics. This book delves into the realm of genetic engineering and the ethical dilemmas surrounding human enhancement. Explore the potential applications of gene editing technologies and the implications of altering the human genome. From designer babies to genetic enhancements, this book navigates the complex landscape of bioethics and biotechnology. Join the discourse on the future of humanity and the ethical considerations of reshaping our genetic identity in an era of unprecedented scientific advancement.

Beyond Human: Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification
Beyond Human: Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification


Beyond Human - Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification challenges conventional notions of human biology and ethics. This book delves into the realm of genetic engineering and the ethical dilemmas surrounding human enhancement. Explore the potential applications of gene editing technologies and the implications of altering the human genome. From designer babies to genetic enhancements, this book navigates the complex landscape of bioethics and biotechnology. Join the discourse on the future of humanity and the ethical considerations of reshaping our genetic identity in an era of unprecedented scientific advancement.

Beyond Human - Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification challenges conventional notions of human biology and ethics. This book delves into the realm of genetic engineering and the ethical dilemmas surrounding human enhancement. Explore the potential applications of gene editing technologies and the implications of altering the human genome. From designer babies to genetic enhancements, this book navigates the complex landscape of bioethics and biotechnology. Join the discourse on the future of humanity and the ethical considerations of reshaping our genetic identity in an era of unprecedented scientific advancement.Beyond Human: Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic ModificationHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
ethical considerations
gene editing
genetic engineering
human genetic modification

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Product Description

Beyond Human – Exploring the Possibilities and Ethical Considerations of Human Genetic Modification challenges conventional notions of human biology and ethics. This book delves into the realm of genetic engineering and the ethical dilemmas surrounding human enhancement. Explore the potential applications of gene editing technologies and the implications of altering the human genome. From designer babies to genetic enhancements, this book navigates the complex landscape of bioethics and biotechnology. Join the discourse on the future of humanity and the ethical considerations of reshaping our genetic identity in an era of unprecedented scientific advancement.


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