Beyond the Gallery Walls – The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art


Unveiling the dynamic interplay between performance and conceptual art, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls - The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art' delves into the captivating realm of artistic expression through action and intention. This book explores the transformative power of performance as a medium for conveying conceptual ideas and challenging traditional artistic norms. From avant-garde performances to interactive interventions, the exploration of performance art in this insightful narrative redefines the boundaries of artistic practice. Through a fusion of creativity and critical inquiry, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls' invites readers to immerse themselves in the immersive world of performance-based conceptual art, where every gesture and movement carries profound meaning.

Beyond the Gallery Walls – The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art
Beyond the Gallery Walls – The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art


Unveiling the dynamic interplay between performance and conceptual art, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls - The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art' delves into the captivating realm of artistic expression through action and intention. This book explores the transformative power of performance as a medium for conveying conceptual ideas and challenging traditional artistic norms. From avant-garde performances to interactive interventions, the exploration of performance art in this insightful narrative redefines the boundaries of artistic practice. Through a fusion of creativity and critical inquiry, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls' invites readers to immerse themselves in the immersive world of performance-based conceptual art, where every gesture and movement carries profound meaning.

Unveiling the dynamic interplay between performance and conceptual art, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls - The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art' delves into the captivating realm of artistic expression through action and intention. This book explores the transformative power of performance as a medium for conveying conceptual ideas and challenging traditional artistic norms. From avant-garde performances to interactive interventions, the exploration of performance art in this insightful narrative redefines the boundaries of artistic practice. Through a fusion of creativity and critical inquiry, 'Beyond the Gallery Walls' invites readers to immerse themselves in the immersive world of performance-based conceptual art, where every gesture and movement carries profound meaning.Beyond the Gallery Walls – The Role of Performance in Conceptual ArtHello


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SKU: PSART0001206 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Unveiling the dynamic interplay between performance and conceptual art, ‘Beyond the Gallery Walls – The Role of Performance in Conceptual Art’ delves into the captivating realm of artistic expression through action and intention. This book explores the transformative power of performance as a medium for conveying conceptual ideas and challenging traditional artistic norms. From avant-garde performances to interactive interventions, the exploration of performance art in this insightful narrative redefines the boundaries of artistic practice. Through a fusion of creativity and critical inquiry, ‘Beyond the Gallery Walls’ invites readers to immerse themselves in the immersive world of performance-based conceptual art, where every gesture and movement carries profound meaning.


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