Biomechanics in Robotics and Exoskeletons


The fusion of biomechanics with robotics and exoskeleton technology heralds a new era of human-machine interaction and augmentation. This book delves into the biomechanical principles that drive the design and functionality of robotic systems and exoskeletons. From the dynamics of human-robot interaction to the biomechanics of wearable technology, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the synergies between biological and mechanical systems. With a focus on enhancing performance and augmenting capabilities, it provides a foundation for understanding the biomechanical underpinnings of robotic technologies. Tags: biomechanics, robotics, exoskeletons, human-machine interaction, augmentation

Biomechanics in Robotics and Exoskeletons
Biomechanics in Robotics and Exoskeletons


The fusion of biomechanics with robotics and exoskeleton technology heralds a new era of human-machine interaction and augmentation. This book delves into the biomechanical principles that drive the design and functionality of robotic systems and exoskeletons. From the dynamics of human-robot interaction to the biomechanics of wearable technology, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the synergies between biological and mechanical systems. With a focus on enhancing performance and augmenting capabilities, it provides a foundation for understanding the biomechanical underpinnings of robotic technologies. Tags: biomechanics, robotics, exoskeletons, human-machine interaction, augmentation

The fusion of biomechanics with robotics and exoskeleton technology heralds a new era of human-machine interaction and augmentation. This book delves into the biomechanical principles that drive the design and functionality of robotic systems and exoskeletons. From the dynamics of human-robot interaction to the biomechanics of wearable technology, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the synergies between biological and mechanical systems. With a focus on enhancing performance and augmenting capabilities, it provides a foundation for understanding the biomechanical underpinnings of robotic technologies. Tags: biomechanics, robotics, exoskeletons, human-machine interaction, augmentationBiomechanics in Robotics and ExoskeletonsHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
human-machine interaction

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Product Description

The fusion of biomechanics with robotics and exoskeleton technology heralds a new era of human-machine interaction and augmentation. This book delves into the biomechanical principles that drive the design and functionality of robotic systems and exoskeletons. From the dynamics of human-robot interaction to the biomechanics of wearable technology, it offers a comprehensive exploration of the synergies between biological and mechanical systems. With a focus on enhancing performance and augmenting capabilities, it provides a foundation for understanding the biomechanical underpinnings of robotic technologies. Tags: biomechanics, robotics, exoskeletons, human-machine interaction, augmentation


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