Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience


Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of consciousness in 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience'. This book ventures into the enigmatic realm of the brain-mind relationship, delving into the mysteries of subjective experience and self-awareness. From the complexities of neural networks to the elusive nature of consciousness, each chapter unravels a new layer of cognitive intrigue. Journey through the frontiers of neuroscience and contemplate the profound questions that define our understanding of the mind. 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience' offers a captivating glimpse into the intricate interplay between brain, mind, and consciousness.

Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience
Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience


Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of consciousness in 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience'. This book ventures into the enigmatic realm of the brain-mind relationship, delving into the mysteries of subjective experience and self-awareness. From the complexities of neural networks to the elusive nature of consciousness, each chapter unravels a new layer of cognitive intrigue. Journey through the frontiers of neuroscience and contemplate the profound questions that define our understanding of the mind. 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience' offers a captivating glimpse into the intricate interplay between brain, mind, and consciousness.

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of consciousness in 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience'. This book ventures into the enigmatic realm of the brain-mind relationship, delving into the mysteries of subjective experience and self-awareness. From the complexities of neural networks to the elusive nature of consciousness, each chapter unravels a new layer of cognitive intrigue. Journey through the frontiers of neuroscience and contemplate the profound questions that define our understanding of the mind. 'Brain, Mind, and Consciousness - Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience' offers a captivating glimpse into the intricate interplay between brain, mind, and consciousness.Brain, Mind, and Consciousness: Exploring the Frontiers of NeuroscienceHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
brain-mind relationship
cognitive intrigue
subjective experience

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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of consciousness in ‘Brain, Mind, and Consciousness – Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience’. This book ventures into the enigmatic realm of the brain-mind relationship, delving into the mysteries of subjective experience and self-awareness. From the complexities of neural networks to the elusive nature of consciousness, each chapter unravels a new layer of cognitive intrigue. Journey through the frontiers of neuroscience and contemplate the profound questions that define our understanding of the mind. ‘Brain, Mind, and Consciousness – Exploring the Frontiers of Neuroscience’ offers a captivating glimpse into the intricate interplay between brain, mind, and consciousness.


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