Branding and Identity – A Guide for Startups


Designed as a comprehensive guide for startups, 'Branding and Identity' offers a roadmap for establishing a strong and memorable brand presence in competitive markets. This book navigates the essential elements of branding, from creating a distinctive visual identity to crafting compelling brand stories that resonate with target audiences. By providing practical tips and strategies tailored to startup ventures, it empowers entrepreneurs to build brand equity and establish a unique brand voice. With a focus on differentiation and authenticity, this book serves as a valuable resource for startups looking to make a lasting impression in the business landscape.

Branding and Identity – A Guide for Startups
Branding and Identity – A Guide for Startups


Designed as a comprehensive guide for startups, 'Branding and Identity' offers a roadmap for establishing a strong and memorable brand presence in competitive markets. This book navigates the essential elements of branding, from creating a distinctive visual identity to crafting compelling brand stories that resonate with target audiences. By providing practical tips and strategies tailored to startup ventures, it empowers entrepreneurs to build brand equity and establish a unique brand voice. With a focus on differentiation and authenticity, this book serves as a valuable resource for startups looking to make a lasting impression in the business landscape.

Designed as a comprehensive guide for startups, 'Branding and Identity' offers a roadmap for establishing a strong and memorable brand presence in competitive markets. This book navigates the essential elements of branding, from creating a distinctive visual identity to crafting compelling brand stories that resonate with target audiences. By providing practical tips and strategies tailored to startup ventures, it empowers entrepreneurs to build brand equity and establish a unique brand voice. With a focus on differentiation and authenticity, this book serves as a valuable resource for startups looking to make a lasting impression in the business landscape.Branding and Identity – A Guide for StartupsHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
brand presence

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Product Description

Designed as a comprehensive guide for startups, ‘Branding and Identity’ offers a roadmap for establishing a strong and memorable brand presence in competitive markets. This book navigates the essential elements of branding, from creating a distinctive visual identity to crafting compelling brand stories that resonate with target audiences. By providing practical tips and strategies tailored to startup ventures, it empowers entrepreneurs to build brand equity and establish a unique brand voice. With a focus on differentiation and authenticity, this book serves as a valuable resource for startups looking to make a lasting impression in the business landscape.


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