Climate Science 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment


In 'Climate Science 101 - An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment', embark on a foundational journey into the essential principles of climate science and the dynamics of our changing environment. This accessible guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and processes that govern the Earth's climate system. From greenhouse gases to climate feedback loops, each chapter demystifies the complexities of climate science in a clear and engaging manner. Explore the scientific basis for understanding climate change and its implications for ecosystems and human societies. This book serves as a gateway to the world of climate science, offering insights into the fundamental mechanisms driving environmental change and the challenges we face in a rapidly warming world.

Climate Science 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment
Climate Science 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment


In 'Climate Science 101 - An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment', embark on a foundational journey into the essential principles of climate science and the dynamics of our changing environment. This accessible guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and processes that govern the Earth's climate system. From greenhouse gases to climate feedback loops, each chapter demystifies the complexities of climate science in a clear and engaging manner. Explore the scientific basis for understanding climate change and its implications for ecosystems and human societies. This book serves as a gateway to the world of climate science, offering insights into the fundamental mechanisms driving environmental change and the challenges we face in a rapidly warming world.

In 'Climate Science 101 - An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment', embark on a foundational journey into the essential principles of climate science and the dynamics of our changing environment. This accessible guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and processes that govern the Earth's climate system. From greenhouse gases to climate feedback loops, each chapter demystifies the complexities of climate science in a clear and engaging manner. Explore the scientific basis for understanding climate change and its implications for ecosystems and human societies. This book serves as a gateway to the world of climate science, offering insights into the fundamental mechanisms driving environmental change and the challenges we face in a rapidly warming world.Climate Science 101: An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing EnvironmentHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
changing environment
climate science
climate system

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Rest of the world: 5-14 days

Return Policy:
30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

In ‘Climate Science 101 – An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Our Changing Environment’, embark on a foundational journey into the essential principles of climate science and the dynamics of our changing environment. This accessible guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and processes that govern the Earth’s climate system. From greenhouse gases to climate feedback loops, each chapter demystifies the complexities of climate science in a clear and engaging manner. Explore the scientific basis for understanding climate change and its implications for ecosystems and human societies. This book serves as a gateway to the world of climate science, offering insights into the fundamental mechanisms driving environmental change and the challenges we face in a rapidly warming world.


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