Color Mixing for Kids – An Interactive Guide


Color Mixing for Kids - An Interactive Guide is a vibrant and engaging resource that introduces children to the captivating world of color theory. Through interactive exercises and playful activities, young readers will discover the magic of mixing colors and creating beautiful palettes. This interactive guide encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing children to unleash their creativity and express themselves through color. From primary hues to secondary shades, this book provides a hands-on approach to learning about color blending and composition. Join us on a colorful journey filled with excitement and discovery.

Color Mixing for Kids – An Interactive Guide
Color Mixing for Kids – An Interactive Guide


Color Mixing for Kids - An Interactive Guide is a vibrant and engaging resource that introduces children to the captivating world of color theory. Through interactive exercises and playful activities, young readers will discover the magic of mixing colors and creating beautiful palettes. This interactive guide encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing children to unleash their creativity and express themselves through color. From primary hues to secondary shades, this book provides a hands-on approach to learning about color blending and composition. Join us on a colorful journey filled with excitement and discovery.

Color Mixing for Kids - An Interactive Guide is a vibrant and engaging resource that introduces children to the captivating world of color theory. Through interactive exercises and playful activities, young readers will discover the magic of mixing colors and creating beautiful palettes. This interactive guide encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing children to unleash their creativity and express themselves through color. From primary hues to secondary shades, this book provides a hands-on approach to learning about color blending and composition. Join us on a colorful journey filled with excitement and discovery.Color Mixing for Kids – An Interactive GuideHello


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SKU: PSART0000201 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Color Mixing for Kids – An Interactive Guide is a vibrant and engaging resource that introduces children to the captivating world of color theory. Through interactive exercises and playful activities, young readers will discover the magic of mixing colors and creating beautiful palettes. This interactive guide encourages exploration and experimentation, allowing children to unleash their creativity and express themselves through color. From primary hues to secondary shades, this book provides a hands-on approach to learning about color blending and composition. Join us on a colorful journey filled with excitement and discovery.


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