Construction Engineering – Building Renovation and Retrofit


Embark on a journey of revitalization and sustainability with 'Construction Engineering - Building Renovation and Retrofit.' Explore the art of transforming existing structures through renovation and retrofitting techniques that enhance functionality and energy efficiency. Delve into the principles of adaptive reuse, sustainable retrofitting, and historic preservation in the context of modern construction practices. From energy performance upgrades to seismic retrofitting, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the strategies and technologies employed in building renovation projects. Gain insights into the economic, environmental, and social benefits of sustainable renovation practices, shaping the future of the built environment. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, this book is a testament to the transformative power of renovation in the construction industry.

Construction Engineering – Building Renovation and Retrofit
Construction Engineering – Building Renovation and Retrofit


Embark on a journey of revitalization and sustainability with 'Construction Engineering - Building Renovation and Retrofit.' Explore the art of transforming existing structures through renovation and retrofitting techniques that enhance functionality and energy efficiency. Delve into the principles of adaptive reuse, sustainable retrofitting, and historic preservation in the context of modern construction practices. From energy performance upgrades to seismic retrofitting, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the strategies and technologies employed in building renovation projects. Gain insights into the economic, environmental, and social benefits of sustainable renovation practices, shaping the future of the built environment. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, this book is a testament to the transformative power of renovation in the construction industry.

Embark on a journey of revitalization and sustainability with 'Construction Engineering - Building Renovation and Retrofit.' Explore the art of transforming existing structures through renovation and retrofitting techniques that enhance functionality and energy efficiency. Delve into the principles of adaptive reuse, sustainable retrofitting, and historic preservation in the context of modern construction practices. From energy performance upgrades to seismic retrofitting, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the strategies and technologies employed in building renovation projects. Gain insights into the economic, environmental, and social benefits of sustainable renovation practices, shaping the future of the built environment. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, this book is a testament to the transformative power of renovation in the construction industry.Construction Engineering – Building Renovation and RetrofitHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
construction engineering
energy efficiency

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.

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Product Description

Embark on a journey of revitalization and sustainability with ‘Construction Engineering – Building Renovation and Retrofit.’ Explore the art of transforming existing structures through renovation and retrofitting techniques that enhance functionality and energy efficiency. Delve into the principles of adaptive reuse, sustainable retrofitting, and historic preservation in the context of modern construction practices. From energy performance upgrades to seismic retrofitting, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the strategies and technologies employed in building renovation projects. Gain insights into the economic, environmental, and social benefits of sustainable renovation practices, shaping the future of the built environment. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, this book is a testament to the transformative power of renovation in the construction industry.


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