Construction Engineering – Facilities Management


Optimize the operational efficiency and sustainability of built environments with a comprehensive guide to facilities management in construction engineering. This insightful book explores the strategic planning, maintenance practices, and energy management strategies that underpin effective facilities management. From space utilization optimization to asset lifecycle management, discover the key principles and best practices that enhance the functionality and longevity of constructed facilities.

Construction Engineering – Facilities Management
Construction Engineering – Facilities Management


Optimize the operational efficiency and sustainability of built environments with a comprehensive guide to facilities management in construction engineering. This insightful book explores the strategic planning, maintenance practices, and energy management strategies that underpin effective facilities management. From space utilization optimization to asset lifecycle management, discover the key principles and best practices that enhance the functionality and longevity of constructed facilities.

Optimize the operational efficiency and sustainability of built environments with a comprehensive guide to facilities management in construction engineering. This insightful book explores the strategic planning, maintenance practices, and energy management strategies that underpin effective facilities management. From space utilization optimization to asset lifecycle management, discover the key principles and best practices that enhance the functionality and longevity of constructed facilities.Construction Engineering – Facilities ManagementHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
construction engineering
operational efficiency

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Product Description

Optimize the operational efficiency and sustainability of built environments with a comprehensive guide to facilities management in construction engineering. This insightful book explores the strategic planning, maintenance practices, and energy management strategies that underpin effective facilities management. From space utilization optimization to asset lifecycle management, discover the key principles and best practices that enhance the functionality and longevity of constructed facilities.


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