Crafting Your Virtual Identity – Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age


Crafting Your Virtual Identity - Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age is a captivating exploration of identity in the digital realm. This book delves into the intersection of art, augmented reality, and personal expression, offering a fresh perspective on virtual identity creation. From avatar design to digital personas, readers will discover the artistry and creativity behind crafting a virtual self. With a focus on self-representation and digital aesthetics, this book invites readers to reflect on the evolving nature of identity in the age of technology. Through a blend of artistic insights and cultural commentary, Crafting Your Virtual Identity illuminates the ways in which art and technology converge to shape our online personas. Thought-provoking and insightful, this book is essential reading for individuals navigating the complexities of virtual identity.

Crafting Your Virtual Identity – Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age
Crafting Your Virtual Identity – Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age


Crafting Your Virtual Identity - Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age is a captivating exploration of identity in the digital realm. This book delves into the intersection of art, augmented reality, and personal expression, offering a fresh perspective on virtual identity creation. From avatar design to digital personas, readers will discover the artistry and creativity behind crafting a virtual self. With a focus on self-representation and digital aesthetics, this book invites readers to reflect on the evolving nature of identity in the age of technology. Through a blend of artistic insights and cultural commentary, Crafting Your Virtual Identity illuminates the ways in which art and technology converge to shape our online personas. Thought-provoking and insightful, this book is essential reading for individuals navigating the complexities of virtual identity.

Crafting Your Virtual Identity - Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age is a captivating exploration of identity in the digital realm. This book delves into the intersection of art, augmented reality, and personal expression, offering a fresh perspective on virtual identity creation. From avatar design to digital personas, readers will discover the artistry and creativity behind crafting a virtual self. With a focus on self-representation and digital aesthetics, this book invites readers to reflect on the evolving nature of identity in the age of technology. Through a blend of artistic insights and cultural commentary, Crafting Your Virtual Identity illuminates the ways in which art and technology converge to shape our online personas. Thought-provoking and insightful, this book is essential reading for individuals navigating the complexities of virtual identity.Crafting Your Virtual Identity – Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital AgeHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
augmented reality
digital age
personal expression
virtual identity

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Product Description

Crafting Your Virtual Identity – Art and Augmented Reality in the Digital Age is a captivating exploration of identity in the digital realm. This book delves into the intersection of art, augmented reality, and personal expression, offering a fresh perspective on virtual identity creation. From avatar design to digital personas, readers will discover the artistry and creativity behind crafting a virtual self. With a focus on self-representation and digital aesthetics, this book invites readers to reflect on the evolving nature of identity in the age of technology. Through a blend of artistic insights and cultural commentary, Crafting Your Virtual Identity illuminates the ways in which art and technology converge to shape our online personas. Thought-provoking and insightful, this book is essential reading for individuals navigating the complexities of virtual identity.


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