Cryogenics and Genetics


Explore the frontiers of science with 'Cryogenics and Genetics'. This cutting-edge book delves into the realms of cryogenics and genetics, exploring the revolutionary technologies that are reshaping the boundaries of human knowledge. From cryopreservation to genetic engineering, discover the innovative methods that hold promise for the future of medicine and biotechnology. Dive into the ethical dilemmas and societal implications of manipulating genes and freezing biological tissues. With thought-provoking discussions and speculative scenarios, 'Cryogenics and Genetics' offers a glimpse into the potential futures that lie at the intersection of cold science and genetic manipulation.

Cryogenics and Genetics
Cryogenics and Genetics


Explore the frontiers of science with 'Cryogenics and Genetics'. This cutting-edge book delves into the realms of cryogenics and genetics, exploring the revolutionary technologies that are reshaping the boundaries of human knowledge. From cryopreservation to genetic engineering, discover the innovative methods that hold promise for the future of medicine and biotechnology. Dive into the ethical dilemmas and societal implications of manipulating genes and freezing biological tissues. With thought-provoking discussions and speculative scenarios, 'Cryogenics and Genetics' offers a glimpse into the potential futures that lie at the intersection of cold science and genetic manipulation.

Explore the frontiers of science with 'Cryogenics and Genetics'. This cutting-edge book delves into the realms of cryogenics and genetics, exploring the revolutionary technologies that are reshaping the boundaries of human knowledge. From cryopreservation to genetic engineering, discover the innovative methods that hold promise for the future of medicine and biotechnology. Dive into the ethical dilemmas and societal implications of manipulating genes and freezing biological tissues. With thought-provoking discussions and speculative scenarios, 'Cryogenics and Genetics' offers a glimpse into the potential futures that lie at the intersection of cold science and genetic manipulation.Cryogenics and GeneticsHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:

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Product Description

Explore the frontiers of science with ‘Cryogenics and Genetics’. This cutting-edge book delves into the realms of cryogenics and genetics, exploring the revolutionary technologies that are reshaping the boundaries of human knowledge. From cryopreservation to genetic engineering, discover the innovative methods that hold promise for the future of medicine and biotechnology. Dive into the ethical dilemmas and societal implications of manipulating genes and freezing biological tissues. With thought-provoking discussions and speculative scenarios, ‘Cryogenics and Genetics’ offers a glimpse into the potential futures that lie at the intersection of cold science and genetic manipulation.


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