Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education


Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education' offers a comprehensive exploration of assessment practices that align with the authentic learning experiences in science education. This insightful book delves into the principles and strategies of designing assessments that capture the true essence of students' scientific understanding and skills. From performance tasks to real-world applications, this book provides educators with practical guidance on creating meaningful assessments that promote deep learning and critical thinking. Transform the assessment landscape in science education with authenticity and purpose. Tags: authentic assessment, science education, assessment practices, deep learning, critical thinking

Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education
Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education


Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education' offers a comprehensive exploration of assessment practices that align with the authentic learning experiences in science education. This insightful book delves into the principles and strategies of designing assessments that capture the true essence of students' scientific understanding and skills. From performance tasks to real-world applications, this book provides educators with practical guidance on creating meaningful assessments that promote deep learning and critical thinking. Transform the assessment landscape in science education with authenticity and purpose. Tags: authentic assessment, science education, assessment practices, deep learning, critical thinking

Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education' offers a comprehensive exploration of assessment practices that align with the authentic learning experiences in science education. This insightful book delves into the principles and strategies of designing assessments that capture the true essence of students' scientific understanding and skills. From performance tasks to real-world applications, this book provides educators with practical guidance on creating meaningful assessments that promote deep learning and critical thinking. Transform the assessment landscape in science education with authenticity and purpose. Tags: authentic assessment, science education, assessment practices, deep learning, critical thinkingDesigning Authentic Assessment in Science EducationHello

SKU: PSSCI000364 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Designing Authentic Assessment in Science Education’ offers a comprehensive exploration of assessment practices that align with the authentic learning experiences in science education. This insightful book delves into the principles and strategies of designing assessments that capture the true essence of students’ scientific understanding and skills. From performance tasks to real-world applications, this book provides educators with practical guidance on creating meaningful assessments that promote deep learning and critical thinking. Transform the assessment landscape in science education with authenticity and purpose. Tags: authentic assessment, science education, assessment practices, deep learning, critical thinking


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