Earth Science – Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils


Embark on a geological odyssey through the world of rocks, minerals, and fossils in 'Earth Science - Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils', where the Earth's ancient history is preserved in stone. Explore the diverse compositions of rocks and minerals, from the crystalline structures of quartz to the colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, unraveling the geological stories embedded in each specimen. Journey through the fossil record, tracing the evolution of life on Earth through the imprints left in ancient rocks, and discover the secrets of paleontology and mineralogy. Delve into the processes of rock formation, mineral crystallization, and fossilization, as you uncover the hidden treasures of the Earth's geological past.

Earth Science – Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils
Earth Science – Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils


Embark on a geological odyssey through the world of rocks, minerals, and fossils in 'Earth Science - Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils', where the Earth's ancient history is preserved in stone. Explore the diverse compositions of rocks and minerals, from the crystalline structures of quartz to the colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, unraveling the geological stories embedded in each specimen. Journey through the fossil record, tracing the evolution of life on Earth through the imprints left in ancient rocks, and discover the secrets of paleontology and mineralogy. Delve into the processes of rock formation, mineral crystallization, and fossilization, as you uncover the hidden treasures of the Earth's geological past.

Embark on a geological odyssey through the world of rocks, minerals, and fossils in 'Earth Science - Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils', where the Earth's ancient history is preserved in stone. Explore the diverse compositions of rocks and minerals, from the crystalline structures of quartz to the colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, unraveling the geological stories embedded in each specimen. Journey through the fossil record, tracing the evolution of life on Earth through the imprints left in ancient rocks, and discover the secrets of paleontology and mineralogy. Delve into the processes of rock formation, mineral crystallization, and fossilization, as you uncover the hidden treasures of the Earth's geological past.Earth Science – Rocks, Minerals, & FossilsHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
geological history

Shipping & Return Policy

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Rest of the world: 5-14 days

Return Policy:
30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Embark on a geological odyssey through the world of rocks, minerals, and fossils in ‘Earth Science – Rocks, Minerals, & Fossils’, where the Earth’s ancient history is preserved in stone. Explore the diverse compositions of rocks and minerals, from the crystalline structures of quartz to the colorful layers of sedimentary rocks, unraveling the geological stories embedded in each specimen. Journey through the fossil record, tracing the evolution of life on Earth through the imprints left in ancient rocks, and discover the secrets of paleontology and mineralogy. Delve into the processes of rock formation, mineral crystallization, and fossilization, as you uncover the hidden treasures of the Earth’s geological past.


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