Efficient Earthquake-Resistant Design and Seismic Engineering


Unravel the complexities of earthquake-resistant design and seismic engineering in this comprehensive guide. Explore the principles of structural dynamics, seismic analysis, and retrofitting techniques to enhance the resilience of buildings and infrastructure against seismic events. Delve into the latest seismic design codes, performance-based design approaches, and innovative retrofitting strategies for existing structures. This book provides a holistic view of earthquake-resistant design, offering practical insights into mitigating seismic risks and ensuring structural safety. From base isolation to damping systems, each chapter covers essential aspects of efficient seismic engineering practices.

Efficient Earthquake-Resistant Design and Seismic Engineering
Efficient Earthquake-Resistant Design and Seismic Engineering


Unravel the complexities of earthquake-resistant design and seismic engineering in this comprehensive guide. Explore the principles of structural dynamics, seismic analysis, and retrofitting techniques to enhance the resilience of buildings and infrastructure against seismic events. Delve into the latest seismic design codes, performance-based design approaches, and innovative retrofitting strategies for existing structures. This book provides a holistic view of earthquake-resistant design, offering practical insights into mitigating seismic risks and ensuring structural safety. From base isolation to damping systems, each chapter covers essential aspects of efficient seismic engineering practices.

Unravel the complexities of earthquake-resistant design and seismic engineering in this comprehensive guide. Explore the principles of structural dynamics, seismic analysis, and retrofitting techniques to enhance the resilience of buildings and infrastructure against seismic events. Delve into the latest seismic design codes, performance-based design approaches, and innovative retrofitting strategies for existing structures. This book provides a holistic view of earthquake-resistant design, offering practical insights into mitigating seismic risks and ensuring structural safety. From base isolation to damping systems, each chapter covers essential aspects of efficient seismic engineering practices.Efficient Earthquake-Resistant Design and Seismic EngineeringHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
earthquake-resistant design
seismic engineering
seismic events
structural dynamics

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Unravel the complexities of earthquake-resistant design and seismic engineering in this comprehensive guide. Explore the principles of structural dynamics, seismic analysis, and retrofitting techniques to enhance the resilience of buildings and infrastructure against seismic events. Delve into the latest seismic design codes, performance-based design approaches, and innovative retrofitting strategies for existing structures. This book provides a holistic view of earthquake-resistant design, offering practical insights into mitigating seismic risks and ensuring structural safety. From base isolation to damping systems, each chapter covers essential aspects of efficient seismic engineering practices.


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