Engineering Biological Solutions


Engineering Biological Solutions is a groundbreaking exploration of the innovative technologies and strategies used in biotechnology and genetic engineering. This visionary book delves into the principles of synthetic biology and its applications in solving complex biological problems. Through a series of compelling narratives and practical examples, readers are introduced to the cutting-edge tools and techniques shaping the field of biological engineering. From gene editing to bioinformatics, Engineering Biological Solutions offers a comprehensive guide to designing and implementing biological solutions. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and biology.

Engineering Biological Solutions
Engineering Biological Solutions


Engineering Biological Solutions is a groundbreaking exploration of the innovative technologies and strategies used in biotechnology and genetic engineering. This visionary book delves into the principles of synthetic biology and its applications in solving complex biological problems. Through a series of compelling narratives and practical examples, readers are introduced to the cutting-edge tools and techniques shaping the field of biological engineering. From gene editing to bioinformatics, Engineering Biological Solutions offers a comprehensive guide to designing and implementing biological solutions. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and biology.

Engineering Biological Solutions is a groundbreaking exploration of the innovative technologies and strategies used in biotechnology and genetic engineering. This visionary book delves into the principles of synthetic biology and its applications in solving complex biological problems. Through a series of compelling narratives and practical examples, readers are introduced to the cutting-edge tools and techniques shaping the field of biological engineering. From gene editing to bioinformatics, Engineering Biological Solutions offers a comprehensive guide to designing and implementing biological solutions. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and biology.Engineering Biological SolutionsHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
biological problems
genetic engineering
synthetic biology

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Product Description

Engineering Biological Solutions is a groundbreaking exploration of the innovative technologies and strategies used in biotechnology and genetic engineering. This visionary book delves into the principles of synthetic biology and its applications in solving complex biological problems. Through a series of compelling narratives and practical examples, readers are introduced to the cutting-edge tools and techniques shaping the field of biological engineering. From gene editing to bioinformatics, Engineering Biological Solutions offers a comprehensive guide to designing and implementing biological solutions. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and biology.


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