Environmental Engineering – Industrial Ecology


Explore the interconnected systems of industrial ecology and their implications for sustainable environmental practices. This insightful book examines the principles of industrial symbiosis, resource efficiency, and waste valorization. From eco-industrial parks to life cycle assessment methodologies, each chapter offers a holistic view of industrial ecology concepts. Gain insights into the circular economy principles and the integration of industrial processes with environmental sustainability goals. Discover the synergies and trade-offs in industrial symbiosis networks for resource optimization. With a focus on systems thinking and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of industrial ecology for sustainable development.

Environmental Engineering – Industrial Ecology
Environmental Engineering – Industrial Ecology


Explore the interconnected systems of industrial ecology and their implications for sustainable environmental practices. This insightful book examines the principles of industrial symbiosis, resource efficiency, and waste valorization. From eco-industrial parks to life cycle assessment methodologies, each chapter offers a holistic view of industrial ecology concepts. Gain insights into the circular economy principles and the integration of industrial processes with environmental sustainability goals. Discover the synergies and trade-offs in industrial symbiosis networks for resource optimization. With a focus on systems thinking and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of industrial ecology for sustainable development.

Explore the interconnected systems of industrial ecology and their implications for sustainable environmental practices. This insightful book examines the principles of industrial symbiosis, resource efficiency, and waste valorization. From eco-industrial parks to life cycle assessment methodologies, each chapter offers a holistic view of industrial ecology concepts. Gain insights into the circular economy principles and the integration of industrial processes with environmental sustainability goals. Discover the synergies and trade-offs in industrial symbiosis networks for resource optimization. With a focus on systems thinking and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of industrial ecology for sustainable development.Environmental Engineering – Industrial EcologyHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
industrial ecology
resource efficiency
waste valorization

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Product Description

Explore the interconnected systems of industrial ecology and their implications for sustainable environmental practices. This insightful book examines the principles of industrial symbiosis, resource efficiency, and waste valorization. From eco-industrial parks to life cycle assessment methodologies, each chapter offers a holistic view of industrial ecology concepts. Gain insights into the circular economy principles and the integration of industrial processes with environmental sustainability goals. Discover the synergies and trade-offs in industrial symbiosis networks for resource optimization. With a focus on systems thinking and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of industrial ecology for sustainable development.


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