From Concept to Creation – The Philosophy of Design in Art


Embark on a philosophical journey through the essence of design in art with 'From Concept to Creation - The Philosophy of Design in Art'. This book explores the underlying principles and ideologies that shape artistic creation. Delve into the philosophical frameworks of design, understanding the symbiotic relationship between form and concept. Explore the role of intentionality and interpretation in artistic expression, as design becomes a language of visual communication. Immerse yourself in the contemplation of aesthetics and meaning, where every design choice carries inherent significance. From conceptual ideologies to visual manifestations, this book invites you to ponder the philosophical depths of design in art.

From Concept to Creation – The Philosophy of Design in Art
From Concept to Creation – The Philosophy of Design in Art


Embark on a philosophical journey through the essence of design in art with 'From Concept to Creation - The Philosophy of Design in Art'. This book explores the underlying principles and ideologies that shape artistic creation. Delve into the philosophical frameworks of design, understanding the symbiotic relationship between form and concept. Explore the role of intentionality and interpretation in artistic expression, as design becomes a language of visual communication. Immerse yourself in the contemplation of aesthetics and meaning, where every design choice carries inherent significance. From conceptual ideologies to visual manifestations, this book invites you to ponder the philosophical depths of design in art.

Embark on a philosophical journey through the essence of design in art with 'From Concept to Creation - The Philosophy of Design in Art'. This book explores the underlying principles and ideologies that shape artistic creation. Delve into the philosophical frameworks of design, understanding the symbiotic relationship between form and concept. Explore the role of intentionality and interpretation in artistic expression, as design becomes a language of visual communication. Immerse yourself in the contemplation of aesthetics and meaning, where every design choice carries inherent significance. From conceptual ideologies to visual manifestations, this book invites you to ponder the philosophical depths of design in art.From Concept to Creation – The Philosophy of Design in ArtHello


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SKU: PSART0000791 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Embark on a philosophical journey through the essence of design in art with ‘From Concept to Creation – The Philosophy of Design in Art’. This book explores the underlying principles and ideologies that shape artistic creation. Delve into the philosophical frameworks of design, understanding the symbiotic relationship between form and concept. Explore the role of intentionality and interpretation in artistic expression, as design becomes a language of visual communication. Immerse yourself in the contemplation of aesthetics and meaning, where every design choice carries inherent significance. From conceptual ideologies to visual manifestations, this book invites you to ponder the philosophical depths of design in art.


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