Geological Time


Travel through the epochs of Earth's history with 'Geological Time'. This fascinating book chronicles the immense timescales of geological processes that have shaped the landscapes and environments we see today. Explore the ancient formations of continents, the shifting of tectonic plates, and the evolution of life through the geological ages. From the formation of mountains to the deposition of sedimentary layers, this book unveils the intricate tapestry of Earth's geological history. Delve into the depths of time as you unravel the stories written in the rocks and fossils that bear witness to the ever-changing Earth. Let 'Geological Time' be your window into the vast timeline of our planet's geological evolution and the forces that have sculpted its surface.

Geological Time
Geological Time


Travel through the epochs of Earth's history with 'Geological Time'. This fascinating book chronicles the immense timescales of geological processes that have shaped the landscapes and environments we see today. Explore the ancient formations of continents, the shifting of tectonic plates, and the evolution of life through the geological ages. From the formation of mountains to the deposition of sedimentary layers, this book unveils the intricate tapestry of Earth's geological history. Delve into the depths of time as you unravel the stories written in the rocks and fossils that bear witness to the ever-changing Earth. Let 'Geological Time' be your window into the vast timeline of our planet's geological evolution and the forces that have sculpted its surface.

Travel through the epochs of Earth's history with 'Geological Time'. This fascinating book chronicles the immense timescales of geological processes that have shaped the landscapes and environments we see today. Explore the ancient formations of continents, the shifting of tectonic plates, and the evolution of life through the geological ages. From the formation of mountains to the deposition of sedimentary layers, this book unveils the intricate tapestry of Earth's geological history. Delve into the depths of time as you unravel the stories written in the rocks and fossils that bear witness to the ever-changing Earth. Let 'Geological Time' be your window into the vast timeline of our planet's geological evolution and the forces that have sculpted its surface.Geological TimeHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
earth history
geological processes
geological time
tectonic plates

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Travel through the epochs of Earth’s history with ‘Geological Time’. This fascinating book chronicles the immense timescales of geological processes that have shaped the landscapes and environments we see today. Explore the ancient formations of continents, the shifting of tectonic plates, and the evolution of life through the geological ages. From the formation of mountains to the deposition of sedimentary layers, this book unveils the intricate tapestry of Earth’s geological history. Delve into the depths of time as you unravel the stories written in the rocks and fossils that bear witness to the ever-changing Earth. Let ‘Geological Time’ be your window into the vast timeline of our planet’s geological evolution and the forces that have sculpted its surface.


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