How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment


Delve into the realm of sustainability metrics with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'. This book explores the principles and methodologies of life cycle assessment, a powerful tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of products and processes. Discover how to assess the entire life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal, and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. With practical guidance and case studies, this book provides a comprehensive framework for conducting life cycle assessments effectively. Enhance your understanding of sustainability practices and make informed decisions with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'.

How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment
How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment


Delve into the realm of sustainability metrics with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'. This book explores the principles and methodologies of life cycle assessment, a powerful tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of products and processes. Discover how to assess the entire life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal, and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. With practical guidance and case studies, this book provides a comprehensive framework for conducting life cycle assessments effectively. Enhance your understanding of sustainability practices and make informed decisions with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'.

Delve into the realm of sustainability metrics with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'. This book explores the principles and methodologies of life cycle assessment, a powerful tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of products and processes. Discover how to assess the entire life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal, and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. With practical guidance and case studies, this book provides a comprehensive framework for conducting life cycle assessments effectively. Enhance your understanding of sustainability practices and make informed decisions with 'How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment'.How to Conduct a Life Cycle AssessmentHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
life cycle

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Product Description

Delve into the realm of sustainability metrics with ‘How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment’. This book explores the principles and methodologies of life cycle assessment, a powerful tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of products and processes. Discover how to assess the entire life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to disposal, and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization. With practical guidance and case studies, this book provides a comprehensive framework for conducting life cycle assessments effectively. Enhance your understanding of sustainability practices and make informed decisions with ‘How to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment’.


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