How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment


Explore the intersection of social responsibility and project evaluation with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'. This book introduces the principles and methodologies of social impact assessment, focusing on the evaluation of social implications and community welfare. Learn how to identify and assess the social effects of projects, policies, and programs, and engage stakeholders in the assessment process. With a focus on equity and inclusivity, this book provides a framework for conducting meaningful social impact assessments that prioritize community well-being. Foster positive social change through informed decision-making with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'.

How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment
How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment


Explore the intersection of social responsibility and project evaluation with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'. This book introduces the principles and methodologies of social impact assessment, focusing on the evaluation of social implications and community welfare. Learn how to identify and assess the social effects of projects, policies, and programs, and engage stakeholders in the assessment process. With a focus on equity and inclusivity, this book provides a framework for conducting meaningful social impact assessments that prioritize community well-being. Foster positive social change through informed decision-making with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'.

Explore the intersection of social responsibility and project evaluation with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'. This book introduces the principles and methodologies of social impact assessment, focusing on the evaluation of social implications and community welfare. Learn how to identify and assess the social effects of projects, policies, and programs, and engage stakeholders in the assessment process. With a focus on equity and inclusivity, this book provides a framework for conducting meaningful social impact assessments that prioritize community well-being. Foster positive social change through informed decision-making with 'How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment'.How to Conduct a Social Impact AssessmentHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
social responsibility

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Product Description

Explore the intersection of social responsibility and project evaluation with ‘How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment’. This book introduces the principles and methodologies of social impact assessment, focusing on the evaluation of social implications and community welfare. Learn how to identify and assess the social effects of projects, policies, and programs, and engage stakeholders in the assessment process. With a focus on equity and inclusivity, this book provides a framework for conducting meaningful social impact assessments that prioritize community well-being. Foster positive social change through informed decision-making with ‘How to Conduct a Social Impact Assessment’.


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