Iconography in Logo Design – Building Brand Identity through Symbolism


Iconography in Logo Design - Building Brand Identity through Symbolism is a comprehensive guide to the art of visual branding. This book explores the role of iconography in creating memorable and impactful logos that communicate brand values and identity. Through case studies and practical insights, this book demonstrates how symbolism can be used to establish a strong brand presence and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From the psychology of color to the power of shape and form, this book offers valuable lessons for designers and marketers looking to craft compelling visual identities. Dive into the world of logo design and discover the art of building brand identity through the language of symbols.

Iconography in Logo Design – Building Brand Identity through Symbolism
Iconography in Logo Design – Building Brand Identity through Symbolism


Iconography in Logo Design - Building Brand Identity through Symbolism is a comprehensive guide to the art of visual branding. This book explores the role of iconography in creating memorable and impactful logos that communicate brand values and identity. Through case studies and practical insights, this book demonstrates how symbolism can be used to establish a strong brand presence and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From the psychology of color to the power of shape and form, this book offers valuable lessons for designers and marketers looking to craft compelling visual identities. Dive into the world of logo design and discover the art of building brand identity through the language of symbols.

Iconography in Logo Design - Building Brand Identity through Symbolism is a comprehensive guide to the art of visual branding. This book explores the role of iconography in creating memorable and impactful logos that communicate brand values and identity. Through case studies and practical insights, this book demonstrates how symbolism can be used to establish a strong brand presence and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From the psychology of color to the power of shape and form, this book offers valuable lessons for designers and marketers looking to craft compelling visual identities. Dive into the world of logo design and discover the art of building brand identity through the language of symbols.Iconography in Logo Design – Building Brand Identity through SymbolismHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
brand identity
Logo Design
logo symbolism
visual branding

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Product Description

Iconography in Logo Design – Building Brand Identity through Symbolism is a comprehensive guide to the art of visual branding. This book explores the role of iconography in creating memorable and impactful logos that communicate brand values and identity. Through case studies and practical insights, this book demonstrates how symbolism can be used to establish a strong brand presence and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From the psychology of color to the power of shape and form, this book offers valuable lessons for designers and marketers looking to craft compelling visual identities. Dive into the world of logo design and discover the art of building brand identity through the language of symbols.


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