Innovations in Sustainable Mining Waste Management


Immerse yourself in the innovative solutions and technologies that address the challenges of sustainable mining waste management in the mining industry. This book explores cutting-edge practices and strategies for minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource recovery in mining operations. Discover how circular economy principles, advanced waste treatment technologies, and reclamation methods are transforming the mining waste management landscape. Delve into the concept of tailings management, mine rehabilitation, and ecosystem restoration for sustainable mining practices. Learn about the integration of remote sensing, GIS mapping, and data analytics in monitoring and managing mining waste sites. Topics covered include mine closure planning, water treatment, and community engagement in sustainable mining projects. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase successful approaches to sustainable mining waste management. Tags: sustainable mining, waste management, circular economy, tailings management, remote sensing, GIS mapping

Innovations in Sustainable Mining Waste Management
Innovations in Sustainable Mining Waste Management


Immerse yourself in the innovative solutions and technologies that address the challenges of sustainable mining waste management in the mining industry. This book explores cutting-edge practices and strategies for minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource recovery in mining operations. Discover how circular economy principles, advanced waste treatment technologies, and reclamation methods are transforming the mining waste management landscape. Delve into the concept of tailings management, mine rehabilitation, and ecosystem restoration for sustainable mining practices. Learn about the integration of remote sensing, GIS mapping, and data analytics in monitoring and managing mining waste sites. Topics covered include mine closure planning, water treatment, and community engagement in sustainable mining projects. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase successful approaches to sustainable mining waste management. Tags: sustainable mining, waste management, circular economy, tailings management, remote sensing, GIS mapping

Immerse yourself in the innovative solutions and technologies that address the challenges of sustainable mining waste management in the mining industry. This book explores cutting-edge practices and strategies for minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource recovery in mining operations. Discover how circular economy principles, advanced waste treatment technologies, and reclamation methods are transforming the mining waste management landscape. Delve into the concept of tailings management, mine rehabilitation, and ecosystem restoration for sustainable mining practices. Learn about the integration of remote sensing, GIS mapping, and data analytics in monitoring and managing mining waste sites. Topics covered include mine closure planning, water treatment, and community engagement in sustainable mining projects. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase successful approaches to sustainable mining waste management. Tags: sustainable mining, waste management, circular economy, tailings management, remote sensing, GIS mappingInnovations in Sustainable Mining Waste ManagementHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
circular economy
GIS mapping
remote sensing
sustainable mining
tailings management
waste management

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Immerse yourself in the innovative solutions and technologies that address the challenges of sustainable mining waste management in the mining industry. This book explores cutting-edge practices and strategies for minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource recovery in mining operations. Discover how circular economy principles, advanced waste treatment technologies, and reclamation methods are transforming the mining waste management landscape. Delve into the concept of tailings management, mine rehabilitation, and ecosystem restoration for sustainable mining practices. Learn about the integration of remote sensing, GIS mapping, and data analytics in monitoring and managing mining waste sites. Topics covered include mine closure planning, water treatment, and community engagement in sustainable mining projects. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase successful approaches to sustainable mining waste management. Tags: sustainable mining, waste management, circular economy, tailings management, remote sensing, GIS mapping


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