Innovations in Textile Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Fibers


Explore the intersection of sustainability and textile engineering with a focus on eco-friendly fibers and materials. This book delves into the latest innovations and trends in sustainable textile production and design. Discover how bio-based materials, recycled fibers, and eco-friendly dyeing processes are reshaping the textile industry towards a more sustainable future. Delve into the principles of circular fashion, zero-waste manufacturing, and cradle-to-cradle design in textile sustainability. Learn about the importance of transparency and ethical sourcing in sustainable textile practices. Topics covered include sustainable fashion, green chemistry, and textile recycling technologies. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase the potential of eco-friendly fibers in reducing environmental impact and promoting circularity in the textile supply chain. Tags: textile sustainability, eco-friendly fibers, sustainable fashion, green chemistry, circular fashion, textile recycling

Innovations in Textile Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Fibers
Innovations in Textile Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Fibers


Explore the intersection of sustainability and textile engineering with a focus on eco-friendly fibers and materials. This book delves into the latest innovations and trends in sustainable textile production and design. Discover how bio-based materials, recycled fibers, and eco-friendly dyeing processes are reshaping the textile industry towards a more sustainable future. Delve into the principles of circular fashion, zero-waste manufacturing, and cradle-to-cradle design in textile sustainability. Learn about the importance of transparency and ethical sourcing in sustainable textile practices. Topics covered include sustainable fashion, green chemistry, and textile recycling technologies. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase the potential of eco-friendly fibers in reducing environmental impact and promoting circularity in the textile supply chain. Tags: textile sustainability, eco-friendly fibers, sustainable fashion, green chemistry, circular fashion, textile recycling

Explore the intersection of sustainability and textile engineering with a focus on eco-friendly fibers and materials. This book delves into the latest innovations and trends in sustainable textile production and design. Discover how bio-based materials, recycled fibers, and eco-friendly dyeing processes are reshaping the textile industry towards a more sustainable future. Delve into the principles of circular fashion, zero-waste manufacturing, and cradle-to-cradle design in textile sustainability. Learn about the importance of transparency and ethical sourcing in sustainable textile practices. Topics covered include sustainable fashion, green chemistry, and textile recycling technologies. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase the potential of eco-friendly fibers in reducing environmental impact and promoting circularity in the textile supply chain. Tags: textile sustainability, eco-friendly fibers, sustainable fashion, green chemistry, circular fashion, textile recyclingInnovations in Textile Sustainability and Eco-Friendly FibersHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
circular fashion
eco-friendly fibers
green chemistry
sustainable fashion
textile recycling
textile sustainability

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Product Description

Explore the intersection of sustainability and textile engineering with a focus on eco-friendly fibers and materials. This book delves into the latest innovations and trends in sustainable textile production and design. Discover how bio-based materials, recycled fibers, and eco-friendly dyeing processes are reshaping the textile industry towards a more sustainable future. Delve into the principles of circular fashion, zero-waste manufacturing, and cradle-to-cradle design in textile sustainability. Learn about the importance of transparency and ethical sourcing in sustainable textile practices. Topics covered include sustainable fashion, green chemistry, and textile recycling technologies. Engage with case studies and examples that showcase the potential of eco-friendly fibers in reducing environmental impact and promoting circularity in the textile supply chain. Tags: textile sustainability, eco-friendly fibers, sustainable fashion, green chemistry, circular fashion, textile recycling


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