Intentional Fallacy


Challenge conventional notions of artistic interpretation with 'Intentional Fallacy'. This book interrogates the premise that an artist's intention is paramount in deciphering the meaning of a work of art, offering a critical examination of the complexities inherent in interpretative processes. Explore the debates surrounding authorial intent, reader response, and the autonomy of the artwork in shaping its own significance. From literary theory to postmodern critiques, this book navigates the intricate terrain of meaning-making in art, urging readers to question established norms of interpretation and embrace the plurality of perspectives that enrich artistic discourse. Engage with the paradoxes and possibilities that arise when intentionality meets interpretation in the realm of art.

Intentional Fallacy
Intentional Fallacy


Challenge conventional notions of artistic interpretation with 'Intentional Fallacy'. This book interrogates the premise that an artist's intention is paramount in deciphering the meaning of a work of art, offering a critical examination of the complexities inherent in interpretative processes. Explore the debates surrounding authorial intent, reader response, and the autonomy of the artwork in shaping its own significance. From literary theory to postmodern critiques, this book navigates the intricate terrain of meaning-making in art, urging readers to question established norms of interpretation and embrace the plurality of perspectives that enrich artistic discourse. Engage with the paradoxes and possibilities that arise when intentionality meets interpretation in the realm of art.

Challenge conventional notions of artistic interpretation with 'Intentional Fallacy'. This book interrogates the premise that an artist's intention is paramount in deciphering the meaning of a work of art, offering a critical examination of the complexities inherent in interpretative processes. Explore the debates surrounding authorial intent, reader response, and the autonomy of the artwork in shaping its own significance. From literary theory to postmodern critiques, this book navigates the intricate terrain of meaning-making in art, urging readers to question established norms of interpretation and embrace the plurality of perspectives that enrich artistic discourse. Engage with the paradoxes and possibilities that arise when intentionality meets interpretation in the realm of art.Intentional FallacyHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
artistic interpretation
authorial intent
intentional fallacy

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Product Description

Challenge conventional notions of artistic interpretation with ‘Intentional Fallacy’. This book interrogates the premise that an artist’s intention is paramount in deciphering the meaning of a work of art, offering a critical examination of the complexities inherent in interpretative processes. Explore the debates surrounding authorial intent, reader response, and the autonomy of the artwork in shaping its own significance. From literary theory to postmodern critiques, this book navigates the intricate terrain of meaning-making in art, urging readers to question established norms of interpretation and embrace the plurality of perspectives that enrich artistic discourse. Engage with the paradoxes and possibilities that arise when intentionality meets interpretation in the realm of art.


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