Marine Engineering in Modern Times – Innovations and Ocean Sustainability


Discover the latest innovations and sustainable practices in marine engineering for the modern era. Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions for enhancing ocean sustainability and environmental stewardship. Gain insights into the integration of renewable energy systems, smart infrastructure, and digitalization in marine engineering projects. Understand the importance of innovation and collaboration in addressing global challenges related to marine resources and climate change. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in the future of marine engineering. Tags: innovations, ocean sustainability, renewable energy, smart infrastructure, global challenges

Marine Engineering in Modern Times – Innovations and Ocean Sustainability
Marine Engineering in Modern Times – Innovations and Ocean Sustainability


Discover the latest innovations and sustainable practices in marine engineering for the modern era. Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions for enhancing ocean sustainability and environmental stewardship. Gain insights into the integration of renewable energy systems, smart infrastructure, and digitalization in marine engineering projects. Understand the importance of innovation and collaboration in addressing global challenges related to marine resources and climate change. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in the future of marine engineering. Tags: innovations, ocean sustainability, renewable energy, smart infrastructure, global challenges

Discover the latest innovations and sustainable practices in marine engineering for the modern era. Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions for enhancing ocean sustainability and environmental stewardship. Gain insights into the integration of renewable energy systems, smart infrastructure, and digitalization in marine engineering projects. Understand the importance of innovation and collaboration in addressing global challenges related to marine resources and climate change. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in the future of marine engineering. Tags: innovations, ocean sustainability, renewable energy, smart infrastructure, global challengesMarine Engineering in Modern Times – Innovations and Ocean SustainabilityHello


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SKU: PSENG01257 Categories: , Tag:
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Discover the latest innovations and sustainable practices in marine engineering for the modern era. Explore cutting-edge technologies and solutions for enhancing ocean sustainability and environmental stewardship. Gain insights into the integration of renewable energy systems, smart infrastructure, and digitalization in marine engineering projects. Understand the importance of innovation and collaboration in addressing global challenges related to marine resources and climate change. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and students interested in the future of marine engineering. Tags: innovations, ocean sustainability, renewable energy, smart infrastructure, global challenges


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