Marine Engineering – Offshore Engineering


Dive into the world of offshore engineering with a focus on marine structures and operations. Uncover the challenges and innovations in designing offshore platforms and systems for harsh marine environments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of structural analysis, risk assessment, and safety considerations in offshore engineering. Explore the integration of advanced technologies and materials to enhance offshore operations and sustainability. This book is a must-read for engineers and researchers looking to expand their knowledge in offshore engineering. Tags: offshore engineering, marine structures, risk assessment, advanced technologies, sustainability

Marine Engineering – Offshore Engineering
Marine Engineering – Offshore Engineering


Dive into the world of offshore engineering with a focus on marine structures and operations. Uncover the challenges and innovations in designing offshore platforms and systems for harsh marine environments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of structural analysis, risk assessment, and safety considerations in offshore engineering. Explore the integration of advanced technologies and materials to enhance offshore operations and sustainability. This book is a must-read for engineers and researchers looking to expand their knowledge in offshore engineering. Tags: offshore engineering, marine structures, risk assessment, advanced technologies, sustainability

Dive into the world of offshore engineering with a focus on marine structures and operations. Uncover the challenges and innovations in designing offshore platforms and systems for harsh marine environments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of structural analysis, risk assessment, and safety considerations in offshore engineering. Explore the integration of advanced technologies and materials to enhance offshore operations and sustainability. This book is a must-read for engineers and researchers looking to expand their knowledge in offshore engineering. Tags: offshore engineering, marine structures, risk assessment, advanced technologies, sustainabilityMarine Engineering – Offshore EngineeringHello


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SKU: PSENG01244 Categories: , Tag:
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
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Product Description

Dive into the world of offshore engineering with a focus on marine structures and operations. Uncover the challenges and innovations in designing offshore platforms and systems for harsh marine environments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of structural analysis, risk assessment, and safety considerations in offshore engineering. Explore the integration of advanced technologies and materials to enhance offshore operations and sustainability. This book is a must-read for engineers and researchers looking to expand their knowledge in offshore engineering. Tags: offshore engineering, marine structures, risk assessment, advanced technologies, sustainability


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