Materials Science for Beginners


Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Materials Science for Beginners, a beginner-friendly introduction to the fundamental concepts of materials science. This book provides a clear and concise overview of material properties, structures, and applications, making complex scientific principles accessible to readers of all backgrounds. From the basics of crystallography to the latest trends in material engineering, each chapter offers a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic field of materials science. Discover the wonders of materials and their role in shaping the modern world. Tags: materials science, beginners, material properties, structures, applications

Materials Science for Beginners
Materials Science for Beginners


Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Materials Science for Beginners, a beginner-friendly introduction to the fundamental concepts of materials science. This book provides a clear and concise overview of material properties, structures, and applications, making complex scientific principles accessible to readers of all backgrounds. From the basics of crystallography to the latest trends in material engineering, each chapter offers a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic field of materials science. Discover the wonders of materials and their role in shaping the modern world. Tags: materials science, beginners, material properties, structures, applications

Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Materials Science for Beginners, a beginner-friendly introduction to the fundamental concepts of materials science. This book provides a clear and concise overview of material properties, structures, and applications, making complex scientific principles accessible to readers of all backgrounds. From the basics of crystallography to the latest trends in material engineering, each chapter offers a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic field of materials science. Discover the wonders of materials and their role in shaping the modern world. Tags: materials science, beginners, material properties, structures, applicationsMaterials Science for BeginnersHello

SKU: PSSCI000772 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of Materials Science for Beginners, a beginner-friendly introduction to the fundamental concepts of materials science. This book provides a clear and concise overview of material properties, structures, and applications, making complex scientific principles accessible to readers of all backgrounds. From the basics of crystallography to the latest trends in material engineering, each chapter offers a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic field of materials science. Discover the wonders of materials and their role in shaping the modern world. Tags: materials science, beginners, material properties, structures, applications


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