Multisensory Perception and Memory – Understanding the Connection in Art


Explore the intricate relationship between perception, memory, and art in 'Multisensory Perception and Memory - Understanding the Connection in Art'. This book delves into how our senses and memories influence the way we perceive and interpret art. By unraveling the connection between multisensory experiences and memory recall, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the art they encounter. 'Multisensory Perception and Memory' offers a unique perspective on the intersection of cognition and art, inviting readers to explore the depths of sensory perception.

Multisensory Perception and Memory – Understanding the Connection in Art
Multisensory Perception and Memory – Understanding the Connection in Art


Explore the intricate relationship between perception, memory, and art in 'Multisensory Perception and Memory - Understanding the Connection in Art'. This book delves into how our senses and memories influence the way we perceive and interpret art. By unraveling the connection between multisensory experiences and memory recall, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the art they encounter. 'Multisensory Perception and Memory' offers a unique perspective on the intersection of cognition and art, inviting readers to explore the depths of sensory perception.

Explore the intricate relationship between perception, memory, and art in 'Multisensory Perception and Memory - Understanding the Connection in Art'. This book delves into how our senses and memories influence the way we perceive and interpret art. By unraveling the connection between multisensory experiences and memory recall, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the art they encounter. 'Multisensory Perception and Memory' offers a unique perspective on the intersection of cognition and art, inviting readers to explore the depths of sensory perception.Multisensory Perception and Memory – Understanding the Connection in ArtHello


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SKU: PSART0001747 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Explore the intricate relationship between perception, memory, and art in ‘Multisensory Perception and Memory – Understanding the Connection in Art’. This book delves into how our senses and memories influence the way we perceive and interpret art. By unraveling the connection between multisensory experiences and memory recall, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the art they encounter. ‘Multisensory Perception and Memory’ offers a unique perspective on the intersection of cognition and art, inviting readers to explore the depths of sensory perception.


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