Nanotechnology and Fashion: Designing with Innovation and Sustainability


Experience the intersection of fashion and technology in 'Nanotechnology and Fashion - Designing with Innovation and Sustainability'. This book explores the creative fusion of nanotechnology and fashion, showcasing how nanomaterials are revolutionizing the textile industry. Dive into the world of smart fabrics, color-changing textiles, and sustainable fashion practices enabled by nanotechnology. From futuristic designs to eco-friendly clothing, nanotechnology is redefining the boundaries of fashion innovation. Discover the endless possibilities of designing with innovation and sustainability at the forefront. Tags - nanotechnology, fashion, innovation, sustainability, textiles

Nanotechnology and Fashion: Designing with Innovation and Sustainability
Nanotechnology and Fashion: Designing with Innovation and Sustainability


Experience the intersection of fashion and technology in 'Nanotechnology and Fashion - Designing with Innovation and Sustainability'. This book explores the creative fusion of nanotechnology and fashion, showcasing how nanomaterials are revolutionizing the textile industry. Dive into the world of smart fabrics, color-changing textiles, and sustainable fashion practices enabled by nanotechnology. From futuristic designs to eco-friendly clothing, nanotechnology is redefining the boundaries of fashion innovation. Discover the endless possibilities of designing with innovation and sustainability at the forefront. Tags - nanotechnology, fashion, innovation, sustainability, textiles

Experience the intersection of fashion and technology in 'Nanotechnology and Fashion - Designing with Innovation and Sustainability'. This book explores the creative fusion of nanotechnology and fashion, showcasing how nanomaterials are revolutionizing the textile industry. Dive into the world of smart fabrics, color-changing textiles, and sustainable fashion practices enabled by nanotechnology. From futuristic designs to eco-friendly clothing, nanotechnology is redefining the boundaries of fashion innovation. Discover the endless possibilities of designing with innovation and sustainability at the forefront. Tags - nanotechnology, fashion, innovation, sustainability, textilesNanotechnology and Fashion: Designing with Innovation and SustainabilityHello

SKU: PSSCI000803 Categories: ,
Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

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Product Description

Experience the intersection of fashion and technology in ‘Nanotechnology and Fashion – Designing with Innovation and Sustainability’. This book explores the creative fusion of nanotechnology and fashion, showcasing how nanomaterials are revolutionizing the textile industry. Dive into the world of smart fabrics, color-changing textiles, and sustainable fashion practices enabled by nanotechnology. From futuristic designs to eco-friendly clothing, nanotechnology is redefining the boundaries of fashion innovation. Discover the endless possibilities of designing with innovation and sustainability at the forefront. Tags – nanotechnology, fashion, innovation, sustainability, textiles


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