Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)


Enter the realm of network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN), where traditional networking paradigms are revolutionized by virtualization technologies and programmable network architectures. This cutting-edge book explores the principles of virtual network abstraction, from virtualized switches to software-defined controllers, offering insights into network scalability and flexibility. Discover the applications of SDN in cloud computing and IoT environments, and learn about network virtualization technologies such as VXLAN and NVGRE. With a focus on network automation and agility, this book is essential for network engineers and IT professionals navigating the digital transformation landscape.

Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)


Enter the realm of network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN), where traditional networking paradigms are revolutionized by virtualization technologies and programmable network architectures. This cutting-edge book explores the principles of virtual network abstraction, from virtualized switches to software-defined controllers, offering insights into network scalability and flexibility. Discover the applications of SDN in cloud computing and IoT environments, and learn about network virtualization technologies such as VXLAN and NVGRE. With a focus on network automation and agility, this book is essential for network engineers and IT professionals navigating the digital transformation landscape.

Enter the realm of network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN), where traditional networking paradigms are revolutionized by virtualization technologies and programmable network architectures. This cutting-edge book explores the principles of virtual network abstraction, from virtualized switches to software-defined controllers, offering insights into network scalability and flexibility. Discover the applications of SDN in cloud computing and IoT environments, and learn about network virtualization technologies such as VXLAN and NVGRE. With a focus on network automation and agility, this book is essential for network engineers and IT professionals navigating the digital transformation landscape.Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)Hello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
network virtualization
software-defined networking

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Product Description

Enter the realm of network virtualization and software-defined networking (SDN), where traditional networking paradigms are revolutionized by virtualization technologies and programmable network architectures. This cutting-edge book explores the principles of virtual network abstraction, from virtualized switches to software-defined controllers, offering insights into network scalability and flexibility. Discover the applications of SDN in cloud computing and IoT environments, and learn about network virtualization technologies such as VXLAN and NVGRE. With a focus on network automation and agility, this book is essential for network engineers and IT professionals navigating the digital transformation landscape.


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