Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering


Explore the essential principles of nondestructive testing in civil engineering, where inspection and evaluation techniques converge to assess the integrity and safety of civil structures without causing damage. This informative book covers a range of NDT methods, from ultrasonic testing to infrared thermography, offering practical guidance on defect detection and structural health monitoring. Discover the applications of NDT in assessing concrete, steel, and composite structures, and learn about the importance of quality assurance in construction projects. With a focus on reliability and risk mitigation, this book is a valuable resource for civil engineers and infrastructure inspectors.

Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering
Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering


Explore the essential principles of nondestructive testing in civil engineering, where inspection and evaluation techniques converge to assess the integrity and safety of civil structures without causing damage. This informative book covers a range of NDT methods, from ultrasonic testing to infrared thermography, offering practical guidance on defect detection and structural health monitoring. Discover the applications of NDT in assessing concrete, steel, and composite structures, and learn about the importance of quality assurance in construction projects. With a focus on reliability and risk mitigation, this book is a valuable resource for civil engineers and infrastructure inspectors.

Explore the essential principles of nondestructive testing in civil engineering, where inspection and evaluation techniques converge to assess the integrity and safety of civil structures without causing damage. This informative book covers a range of NDT methods, from ultrasonic testing to infrared thermography, offering practical guidance on defect detection and structural health monitoring. Discover the applications of NDT in assessing concrete, steel, and composite structures, and learn about the importance of quality assurance in construction projects. With a focus on reliability and risk mitigation, this book is a valuable resource for civil engineers and infrastructure inspectors.Nondestructive Testing in Civil EngineeringHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
civil engineering
inspection techniques
nondestructive testing
quality assurance
structural health monitoring

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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Product Description

Explore the essential principles of nondestructive testing in civil engineering, where inspection and evaluation techniques converge to assess the integrity and safety of civil structures without causing damage. This informative book covers a range of NDT methods, from ultrasonic testing to infrared thermography, offering practical guidance on defect detection and structural health monitoring. Discover the applications of NDT in assessing concrete, steel, and composite structures, and learn about the importance of quality assurance in construction projects. With a focus on reliability and risk mitigation, this book is a valuable resource for civil engineers and infrastructure inspectors.


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