Nuclear Engineering – Nuclear Policy and Regulation


Immerse yourself in the world of nuclear policy and regulation with this insightful book on the governance of nuclear technologies. Explore the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technologies. From international treaties to national regulations, this book delves into the complexities of nuclear policy and governance. Learn about the role of regulatory bodies and international organizations in ensuring the safe and secure use of nuclear technologies. Discover the challenges and dilemmas in balancing nuclear energy development with nonproliferation goals. With a focus on governance and compliance, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, regulators, and scholars in the field of nuclear policy.

Nuclear Engineering – Nuclear Policy and Regulation
Nuclear Engineering – Nuclear Policy and Regulation


Immerse yourself in the world of nuclear policy and regulation with this insightful book on the governance of nuclear technologies. Explore the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technologies. From international treaties to national regulations, this book delves into the complexities of nuclear policy and governance. Learn about the role of regulatory bodies and international organizations in ensuring the safe and secure use of nuclear technologies. Discover the challenges and dilemmas in balancing nuclear energy development with nonproliferation goals. With a focus on governance and compliance, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, regulators, and scholars in the field of nuclear policy.

Immerse yourself in the world of nuclear policy and regulation with this insightful book on the governance of nuclear technologies. Explore the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technologies. From international treaties to national regulations, this book delves into the complexities of nuclear policy and governance. Learn about the role of regulatory bodies and international organizations in ensuring the safe and secure use of nuclear technologies. Discover the challenges and dilemmas in balancing nuclear energy development with nonproliferation goals. With a focus on governance and compliance, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, regulators, and scholars in the field of nuclear policy.Nuclear Engineering – Nuclear Policy and RegulationHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
nuclear energy
nuclear policy

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Product Description

Immerse yourself in the world of nuclear policy and regulation with this insightful book on the governance of nuclear technologies. Explore the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technologies. From international treaties to national regulations, this book delves into the complexities of nuclear policy and governance. Learn about the role of regulatory bodies and international organizations in ensuring the safe and secure use of nuclear technologies. Discover the challenges and dilemmas in balancing nuclear energy development with nonproliferation goals. With a focus on governance and compliance, this book is an essential resource for policymakers, regulators, and scholars in the field of nuclear policy.


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