Petroleum Geology and Exploration Methods


Journey into the fascinating world of petroleum geology and exploration methods to uncover the secrets of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geological processes, sedimentary environments, and structural features that influence the formation of oil and gas deposits. Explore the principles of stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structural geology in interpreting geological data and mapping reservoirs. Learn about the latest exploration techniques, seismic imaging technologies, and remote sensing applications used in prospecting for hydrocarbons. Gain insights into the challenges of reservoir characterization, resource estimation, and risk assessment in petroleum exploration. Engage with case studies and field examples to enhance your understanding of the geoscientific principles underlying successful oil and gas discoveries.

Petroleum Geology and Exploration Methods
Petroleum Geology and Exploration Methods


Journey into the fascinating world of petroleum geology and exploration methods to uncover the secrets of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geological processes, sedimentary environments, and structural features that influence the formation of oil and gas deposits. Explore the principles of stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structural geology in interpreting geological data and mapping reservoirs. Learn about the latest exploration techniques, seismic imaging technologies, and remote sensing applications used in prospecting for hydrocarbons. Gain insights into the challenges of reservoir characterization, resource estimation, and risk assessment in petroleum exploration. Engage with case studies and field examples to enhance your understanding of the geoscientific principles underlying successful oil and gas discoveries.

Journey into the fascinating world of petroleum geology and exploration methods to uncover the secrets of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geological processes, sedimentary environments, and structural features that influence the formation of oil and gas deposits. Explore the principles of stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structural geology in interpreting geological data and mapping reservoirs. Learn about the latest exploration techniques, seismic imaging technologies, and remote sensing applications used in prospecting for hydrocarbons. Gain insights into the challenges of reservoir characterization, resource estimation, and risk assessment in petroleum exploration. Engage with case studies and field examples to enhance your understanding of the geoscientific principles underlying successful oil and gas discoveries.Petroleum Geology and Exploration MethodsHello


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Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
exploration methods
geological processes
hydrocarbon reservoirs
petroleum geology
seismic imaging

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USA & Canada: 3-6 days
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30 Days free return policy if item is the wrong item or damaged.


Product Description

Journey into the fascinating world of petroleum geology and exploration methods to uncover the secrets of subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the geological processes, sedimentary environments, and structural features that influence the formation of oil and gas deposits. Explore the principles of stratigraphy, sedimentology, and structural geology in interpreting geological data and mapping reservoirs. Learn about the latest exploration techniques, seismic imaging technologies, and remote sensing applications used in prospecting for hydrocarbons. Gain insights into the challenges of reservoir characterization, resource estimation, and risk assessment in petroleum exploration. Engage with case studies and field examples to enhance your understanding of the geoscientific principles underlying successful oil and gas discoveries.


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