Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science


In Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science, the ethical dimensions of scientific research on animals are critically examined. This insightful book delves into the philosophical foundations of animal rights within the context of scientific practices. It challenges conventional beliefs and prompts readers to reconsider their perspectives on the treatment of animals in research settings. Through a philosophical exploration, it raises important questions about the moral obligations towards non-human beings and the implications of scientific advancements on animal welfare. Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science offers a compelling narrative that advocates for a more ethical and compassionate approach to scientific inquiry.

Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science
Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science


In Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science, the ethical dimensions of scientific research on animals are critically examined. This insightful book delves into the philosophical foundations of animal rights within the context of scientific practices. It challenges conventional beliefs and prompts readers to reconsider their perspectives on the treatment of animals in research settings. Through a philosophical exploration, it raises important questions about the moral obligations towards non-human beings and the implications of scientific advancements on animal welfare. Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science offers a compelling narrative that advocates for a more ethical and compassionate approach to scientific inquiry.

In Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science, the ethical dimensions of scientific research on animals are critically examined. This insightful book delves into the philosophical foundations of animal rights within the context of scientific practices. It challenges conventional beliefs and prompts readers to reconsider their perspectives on the treatment of animals in research settings. Through a philosophical exploration, it raises important questions about the moral obligations towards non-human beings and the implications of scientific advancements on animal welfare. Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science offers a compelling narrative that advocates for a more ethical and compassionate approach to scientific inquiry.Philosophy of Animal Rights in ScienceHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
animal rights

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Product Description

In Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science, the ethical dimensions of scientific research on animals are critically examined. This insightful book delves into the philosophical foundations of animal rights within the context of scientific practices. It challenges conventional beliefs and prompts readers to reconsider their perspectives on the treatment of animals in research settings. Through a philosophical exploration, it raises important questions about the moral obligations towards non-human beings and the implications of scientific advancements on animal welfare. Philosophy of Animal Rights in Science offers a compelling narrative that advocates for a more ethical and compassionate approach to scientific inquiry.


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