Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life


Experience the impact of quantum mechanics in the fabric of everyday life with 'Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life'. This book illuminates the ubiquitous presence of quantum phenomena in the macroscopic world, from electron tunneling to superconductivity. Delve into the quantum principles that underpin modern technologies like lasers and transistors as you uncover the quantum nature of reality around us. Explore the quantum mysteries that shape the behavior of materials and the functioning of electronic devices. With a blend of real-world examples and theoretical insights, this book offers a fresh perspective on the relevance of quantum mechanics in our daily experiences. Witness the quantum world in action and appreciate its influence on the world we inhabit.

Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life
Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life


Experience the impact of quantum mechanics in the fabric of everyday life with 'Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life'. This book illuminates the ubiquitous presence of quantum phenomena in the macroscopic world, from electron tunneling to superconductivity. Delve into the quantum principles that underpin modern technologies like lasers and transistors as you uncover the quantum nature of reality around us. Explore the quantum mysteries that shape the behavior of materials and the functioning of electronic devices. With a blend of real-world examples and theoretical insights, this book offers a fresh perspective on the relevance of quantum mechanics in our daily experiences. Witness the quantum world in action and appreciate its influence on the world we inhabit.

Experience the impact of quantum mechanics in the fabric of everyday life with 'Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life'. This book illuminates the ubiquitous presence of quantum phenomena in the macroscopic world, from electron tunneling to superconductivity. Delve into the quantum principles that underpin modern technologies like lasers and transistors as you uncover the quantum nature of reality around us. Explore the quantum mysteries that shape the behavior of materials and the functioning of electronic devices. With a blend of real-world examples and theoretical insights, this book offers a fresh perspective on the relevance of quantum mechanics in our daily experiences. Witness the quantum world in action and appreciate its influence on the world we inhabit.Quantum Mechanics in Everyday LifeHello

Book Details

Format: Paperback

Publication Year: 2023

Language: English

Edition: First Edition

Publisher: PS Publishing

Topics Covered:
everyday life
quantum mechanics

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Product Description

Experience the impact of quantum mechanics in the fabric of everyday life with ‘Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life’. This book illuminates the ubiquitous presence of quantum phenomena in the macroscopic world, from electron tunneling to superconductivity. Delve into the quantum principles that underpin modern technologies like lasers and transistors as you uncover the quantum nature of reality around us. Explore the quantum mysteries that shape the behavior of materials and the functioning of electronic devices. With a blend of real-world examples and theoretical insights, this book offers a fresh perspective on the relevance of quantum mechanics in our daily experiences. Witness the quantum world in action and appreciate its influence on the world we inhabit.


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